2012 - what if ...

Try this on for size
After the Floodswamped the Land
And the Age of Atlantis' civilisation
Collapsed and fell unconscious

A bubble of Time enveloped the calamity
And caught all souls in a net of Salvation string theory
Creating a Time-field mental-shield in the collective psyche
13,000 years in diameter

In which the utter confusion
Of who is to blame became
The linear time-frame
which we now call
The Game of Life

From the Flood to megalithic culture...
From the cradle of civilisation to transhumanism
2 distinctly polarised evolutionary paths... at war with each other...

While Peace watches as a Witness
with Truth and Love
for the whole healing of the Trauma
13,000 years to relive the Trauma of The Flood,
in a dream-Time simulation of 5d trauma,
PLAYED OUT in this 3d enviro mental cinema experience

If so, we are reaching the climax of the healing crisis, in a fevered state of hallucination - "all the endings get to happen"

At this point, inner peace is the inner healing.

The resolution is in the 3d Self acknowledging one's 5d overlighting Self and the mortal mind recognising the Immortal Soul

Most of what I'm shown on newsfeeds is entirely subsumed in merely 3d stinking-thinking - to the point of it being challenging to raise the ideas in public



it's just a process
coming up from the sub-conscious sub-merged
memories from soul realm
and the greater collective un-conscious,
becoming conscious ...
worry doesn't help,
except in showing you your subconscious fears,
to make manifest choices from dilemmas ....
tune into what worries you,
but with openness to become conscious and
learn to feel true feelings with soul guidance,
then the weight of fears transforms
into the lightness of feeling guided
and knowing that ur making steps towards feeling
free from fears and looking forwards to more freedom
- despite the lock-downs of freedoms ....
know that the devil doesn't have any power unless
we give power to subconscious fears without
recognising Soul-Love of the Creator of Life
and all Life's mysteries
- such as how do even wake up in the mornings and
remember "who" we are,
as well as the miracle
of how did we each grow a body
to inhabit in the first place

feel free to share, and to respond


old posts

fencing in fields of thoughts

With regards to druidry at the time of the Roman invasion: education is the opposite of teaching. What the "Brits" have been taught as history is really mind control - govern ment, imposed by the foreigners sWordS tips, blades n phalanx 's of enslaved ranks of previously displaced peoples. No one spoke English, it didn't exist. It came as a result of more waves of invasion over time. Many waves of settlers had been welcome in these blessed isles before the Roman conquest.
TO EDUCATE translates as "to draw out what is within" involving mind, imagination, visualisation and conversation, a melding of both halves of the mind and eMotion, of nature AND nurture. Language, land gauge- the measure of The Land, the meter of Poetry, the sense in sense-ability, to under-stand the Land and walk yer talk, to listen and perceive the magical signs and signals of Mother Nature and Her creations. Her Story.
Thus, the Bards were Story Tellers, strollers who walked the talk and related with All Our Relations and relation ships. Who knew the story of the Land and of when and from where various tribes came and went, and whom was wedded to whomever - a tapestry in Time.
So called educated modern "English" persons I meet in this life, are mis- taught, caught in a web of deceit, robbed of their Heritage, their right full inheritance. Her IT age. History, his Tory, has robbed the Lost Sheep of "Is Ra El" so that "they know not whom they are. Children of the Blessed Isles, Land of the Covenant, Her Story was hunted down and murdered.
Ye have heard of the inquisition?
Of Catholic enforced coercion of "education" to CORRECT the heresy of the Heritics, the Cathars, the Elves, Faeries, Pict Shee, the Gnostic Know ledge of Garden Gnomes???
Well, the inquisition and acquisitions of people's and their homelands began in ernest with the hunting down of The Bards ~ the keepers of True Know Ledge, of lineage, line age, of the stories of The People's, in which true education was practiced and passed on from the earliest memories of the Neolithic People's, the sToners, who toned truth in vocal harmonics which spoke with the Language which all children and animals, planes, trees, Fish and seas can comprehend in the Godly oneness of Nature's Harmony. This the Romans attempted to destroy by attacking The Druids and, so it's been claimed by history, drove them off the cliffs of Anglesy.



i'm honestly understanding whats going on "out-there" as being the manifestation in our collective "conscious" reality of what's stored-up in our collective un-conscious reality ... the trauma's experienced by humanity over these last 1000's of years, the rape and pillage, the natural disasters, the previous out-breaks of dis-ease, the so-called "dark-ages" and the destruction of the Lands-of-Saints-and-Scholars by the invading insanities that went on to become the "inquizitions" and "persecutions" - all around the world as the "empires" grew to 19th Century Imperialism into 20th century "democracy" .... all this "past-life experience" encoded into our sub-conscious dreams and fears and irrational terrors, while also binding our "conscious mortal self" to toe-the-line, to accept defeat, to accept "conditioning" and education as "normal and neccessary" to collectively survive and prosper. To be "rational" ... to accept rations, a ratio, the "have's and have-not's" ... imbalances and Power-Plays. ... ... ... I'm honestly understanding that it is up to each one of us - individually - to break-the-chains of conditioning, to no longer accept the status-quo of False-Measures, False Ruler-Ships, False-News reports, False perceptions and fake-leader-ships - fake-conversations - fake-inner-dialogs - ... the "war" is ongoing inside of all of us ... to find-Peace within this war requires self-honesty and the bravery to risk-losing-so-called-Sanity ... hence: hand-sanitisers among those who are too conditioned to see whats plainly deSIGNed to be a placebo, not a solution ... ... ... i honestly see all this as a manifestation of subconscious "stuff", imagery, allegory, symbolism, S word S - dream-time - Pontious Pilot "washed his hands" of the response-ability over the Charges laid out against Christ by the Religious Rationale, back-in-The-Day   and leave the decision to the "jews" ... we, if we "sanitize" our skin, we are also leaving the decision to the "higher-powers" to decide our destiny - of Ai block-chained Ledgers of Absolute-Control of overy detail of our lives and ability to experience "free-Will"... ... i've run out of time this morning, but will finish writing this hopefully a bit later today ....



that's the stuff that's in my mind a lot again these days and its mushroom season out by Priddy. The little bit to add to what you've mentioned is that local folklore says that Jesus's granny was from Priddy and her name was Anna, and that therefore the connection between the family of the Christ Jesus in both The Middle East and the Western Isles had been consistent over many many generations before the Roman conquest. Jeremiah is said to have been the Patriarch Saint of Ireland and his daughter married the King of Ireland at the time and founded the Seat of Kings at Tara with King David's Harp, the Stone of Destiny and the Ark of the Covenant installed among the Tribe of Dan in Ireland.


all this is to say there is a much better story than the dumbed down lies that have been sold as history, and has solutions to world peace inherent in its recognition. W e live in a land of Revelations so to speak


iasc ~ is fish in Irish gaelic language ~ isa iasc ~ jesus the fish. The center of Ireland is a sacred site call Uisneach which could well mean the Hill of the Fish


i'm starting to look out on the internet for any signs of the folk lore / magical logic to begin the conversation in reclaiming the beauty and simplicity of our native wisdom and heritage that has blatently been hidden beneath the noses of those of the Stiff Upper Lip persausion