GoldsMyths Project
egree project report draft
1. Aims
To concentrate an analogy of the relationship between the human mind and the computer, together with a metaphor of the relationship between spirituality and the development of computer technologies, through the creation of a working piece of art in which the user's heartbeat is connected to the system as the primary interaction. The user's heart rate signal should determine the audio - visual output of the system. The system should allow the user to record and store media in its database. The system should enable the user to identify and retrieve segments of media within an ontological structure of meta-tags. The artwork should become an external representation of the mind of the user. The artwork should become a tool of meditation and healing for the user.
2. Introduction
This project seeks to create a technological artwork that connects the user's heart beat to digital media in order to provide a form of self reflection. It aids meditation by helping the user realise that our feelings affect our consciousness. Change in the user's heart rate causes change in audio and visual media output. A very steady heart rate allows the user to record input rather than view output. The system is designed to allow the user to identify, store and retrieve media clips using meta-tags which describe its content and to collate sequences of media clips which share the same meta-tags. The development of an ontology of meta-tag terms will form a high-level structure of description of media content and will allow all content sharing the same tags to be output in sequence, thereby grouping media from non linear recordings into linear combinations.
I intend to use this system as a tool with which to document experiences, to express impressions and observations, and to capture insights attained in higher states of meditation. The system is designed primarily for my own personal use to aid my research into the nature of consciousness.
As an artwork, the project is intended to embody a metaphor regarding the relationship between humans and computers using a range of concepts which are not traditionally employed in the computer science domain, specifically spiritual understandings of human consciousness.
By completing this project I aim to put my concepts into form through the science of computers in such a way as to embody my understandings of spirituality. The development of this project therefore entails the inclusion of personal experience and insights and this is reflected in this report.
The central maxim of my current work is “the Created Creating in the Image of the Creator”. This references the Creator creating humans, and in turn, humans creating computers. Humans learn from Creation, computers learn from humans. Philosophically the question arises, have we humans created computers in order to comprehend ourselves, just as it is said that “God” {The Creator} created the universe and humans in order to comprehend itself. I have grappled with these questions and inspirations for many years before being guided, by strange accidents, to Goldsmiths University. Thus my project is designed to include ideas which are outside the most strict views of computer science, many of which may challenge accepted, conventional scientific paradigms.
3. Background
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
Attributed to The Buddha.
In this report I shall reference discoveries of scientific researchers in fields of subtle energies, of particle and field theory and of consciousness as a measurable and definable force. These researches validate many beliefs and concepts of ancient cultures with regard to consciousness, human potential and our relationship with higher dimensions of being.
I have designed the project to reflect ideas which are highly conceptual and certainly not usual in computer science. My primary interest in technology is in how it can help humanity to evolve, through the development of science which can measure subtle energies, and to prove the existence of phenomena generally regarded as spiritual beliefs or superstition.
This kind of scientific experimental data is finally being confirmed and is becoming available to the public at large.
The following is an introduction to the work of William A. Tiller:
"Fellow to the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, Professor Emeritus William A. Tiller, of Stanford University's Department of Materials Science, spent 34 years in academia after 9 years as an advisory physicist with the Westinghouse Research Laboratories. He has published over 250 conventional scientific papers, 3 books and several patents. In parallel, for over 30 years, he has been avocationally pursuing serious experimental and theoretical study of the field of psychoenergetics which will very likely become an integral part of "tomorrow's" physics. In this new area, he has published an additional 100 scientific papers, four seminal books, 2 DVDs and 10 white papers."
“Psychoenergetic Science involves the expansion of traditional science to include human consciousness and human intention as capable of significantly affecting both the properties of materials (non-living and living) and what we call "physical reality." For the last four hundred years, an unstated assumption of science is that such a thing is impossible. However, our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for today's world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct. We have discovered that it is possible to make a significant change in the properties of a material substance by consciously holding a clear intention to do so.”
Here is a selection of the main points from The Tiller Foundation website's mission statement, with which I deeply resonate.
“1. To design and conduct careful laboratory experiments in the psychoenergetics area to reveal in quantitative detail how human consciousness interacts with the various energies and materials of physical reality as well as the higher dimensional aspects of our overall reality.
3. To build a reliable bridge of understanding for nature’s manifold expressions that (a) seamlessly joins with today’s conventional scientific understanding of our outer spacetime world, on one end, (b) passes through the various subtle domains of inner reality in the middle and (c) strongly joins with the domain of spirit on the other end.
5. To continuously acknowledge and appreciate the wisdom and helpful guidance from unseen colleagues functioning in the highest dimensional domains
9. As much as possible, we will not allow these new scientific understandings to be controlled by military agencies.”
My research methods are scientifically unorthodox. I choose to condense concepts in my consciousness, based on my inner experiences. I am wary of many aspects of computer science and of mass media. I am critical of some of the ways in which science and technology are being used, not to serve the good of humanity, nor stewardship of the Earth, but in pursuit of commercial consumption and military exploitation.
I see technology as a mirror of consciousness rather than a tool for manipulation of society. I am very sensitive to the controlling and conditioning factors of commerce through the concept of money. I consider it a fact that society and education are controlled, by architects of a paradigm of “reality” in which humans beings are called “resources”, where commercial and governments interests are gathering data on humans with which to manipulate society.§ioncode=26
I do not wish to be influenced or programmed by such a paradigm. Therefore I have insulated myself against looking outward for inspirations of what other people in the fields of computer science are creating. I am well aware that this attitude is unusual and could limit my awareness, but my argument here is that in my research into the project, I wanted to remain clear in my objective of producing the inspiration and idea from within my own consciousness. Normal research, such as was advised to me in class, would have diverted my intuition. Once my initial concepts were correctly mapped into the system unpolluted, I could integrate any outside knowledge of what others are doing, although, true to my principles, these came to me as part of the creative process and guided by intuition, within the Tao, as part of my flow of manifestation and creative expression.
The Tao is an ancient Chinese philosophy, containing wisdom and awareness of how to interact within a field of higher dimensional intelligence. It is perhaps the same force to which Max Planck – the father of quantum physics 1858 – 1947, referred in the following statement:
“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
Albert Einstein seems also to reference a similar spiritual domain in the following quote:
“Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man.”
“While the word itself translates as 'way', 'path', or 'route', or sometimes more loosely as 'doctrine' or 'principle', it is often used philosophically to signify the fundamental or true nature of the world.
In Taoism, Tao both precedes and encompasses the universe. As with other non-dualistic philosophies, all the observable objects in the world - referred to in the Tao Te Ching as 'the named' or 'the ten thousand things' - are considered to be manifestations of Tao, and can only operate within the boundaries of Tao. Tao is, by contrast, often referred to as 'the nameless', because neither it nor its principles can ever be adequately expressed in words.
While the Tao cannot be expressed, Taoism holds that it can be known, and its principles can be followed. Much of Taoist writing focuses on the value of following the Tao – called Te (virtue) - and of the ultimate uselessness of trying to understand or control Tao outright.”
Dr Tiller exemplifies a bridge between ancient memories and modern science, a bridge that graciously supports much of the worrisome weight I feel in presenting these ideas of spirit.
In Dr Tiller's own words:
“What I have done is to articulate those things in the language that has value today, that is, the language of science. The goal that I have taken is to try to build a reliable bridge of understanding that will join seamlessly with our conventional knowledge and our conventional paradigm. This bridge will pass all the way through the subtle domains, to the domains of emotion, mind, and spirit, so that scientists and others can cross that bridge with confidence.”
3.1 Metaphor of metaphysics
The project is called Maya, as a reference to the philosophy of Buddhism, in which Maya is illusion, the world of senses, “the cause of all suffering”. This project is a nexus of science, art and spirituality.
I have chosen to develop this project as a deeply personal tool of self reflection and as an expression of a metaphor which appears obvious to me, yet which is not noticeably even mentioned in my 3 years of study of computer science. I see technology as a reflection of innate human evolution, as an expression of innate human abilities. By analogy it is easy to see that the innovation of the mobile phone replicates an innate human psychic ability. An electro magnetic signal passes from the human body and is picked up by another, regardless of spacial distance. Downloading data from the internet is similar to intuition and the downloading of information from the consciousness field of spirit.
Perhaps through our knowledge of how technology works we have a metaphorical model through which to refine how we work, on both micro and macro levels, which in turn will fuel our creative imagination of what computers can become, and mirror back our collective universal awareness of cosmic evolution. Perhaps we humans run programs in our bodies, and perhaps these programs contain bugs and dysfunctional codes which we can debug through human conscious intention, aided in our comprehension of this possibility by our experiences with computer science. Sentences in our human languages are essentially codes which the mind can interpret into a vast complexity of meanings. Redefining the way in which we think, feel, speak and listen by debugging the coding of our perception of the world has effect on our well being as humans. We can overcome limitations in our education and upbringing and we can heal the negative after effects of trauma as well as effectively reprogram codes of ill health such as cancer.
“Certain kinds of stress patterns attenuates the defence mechanisms and can result in psychological trauma so that the protection mode becomes chronic as in a subluxation, where the bodily posture is changed by bracing against trauma from either real or perceived danger. Besides physical bracing, prolonged stress can result in psychological bracing so that our belief systems include patterns of protective behaviour.
Four billion bits of information come into the nervous system every second, but only about two thousand can be processed consciously, so more than ninety-nine percent is not processed consciously. Memory patterns automatically create belief filters in the brain, and most of our behaviour comes from unconscious beliefs and expectations. Attitudes set up in early childhood are passed on to us from our parents and early environment.
So, memory patterns are automatically created in the brain and once in place, these pre-programmed patterns and beliefs become automatic, and these pre-learned tapes and experiences usually run our lives. Only a considerable conscious effort can change these. This explains the difference between what we think and what we do, and why our emotional responses often over-ride the intellect.
Belief you don’t even know you have can affect what you do and who you are. You and your physical health are a summary of your beliefs and perceptions, the kind of data you are expecting. Your cells see what you see and the cell’s nucleus can create a pathway, so you can select what software you wish to use, so to speak.”
"It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception (interpretation) of the environment, directly controls the activity of our genes. Environment controls gene activity through a process known as epigenetic control.
This new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the role of a mind and spirit. This breakthrough in biology is fundamental in all healing for it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells and reprogram their expression. The new-biology reveals why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities.
The functional units of life are the individual cells that comprise our bodies. Though every cell is innately intelligent and can survive on its own when removed from the body, in the body, each cell foregoes its individuality and becomes a member of a multicellular community. The body really represents the cooperative effort of a community of perhaps fifty trillion single cells. By definition, a community is an organization of individuals committed to supporting a shared vision. Consequently, while every cell is a free-living entity, the body’s community accommodates the wishes and intents of its ‘central voice,’ a character we perceive as the mind and spirit.”
“The principle source of stress is the system’s ‘central voice,’ the mind. The mind is like the driver of a vehicle. With good driving skills, a vehicle can be maintained and provide good performance throughout its life. Bad driving skills generate most of the wrecks that litter the roadside or are stacked in junkyards. If we employ good “driving skills” in managing our behaviours and dealing with our emotions, then we should anticipate a long, happy and productive life. In contrast, inappropriate behaviours and dysfunctional emotional management, like a bad driver, stress the cellular ‘vehicle,’ interfering with its performance and provoking a breakdown.”
Bad driving metaphor in action
On a personal note, this project is intended primarily for my own experimentation specifically because the concepts and skills are very new and can be very dangerous. In July of 2009, I found myself being arrested three times in three days, even though I had caused no harm to anyone or anything. Prolonged internalisation of the causes of this incident has led me to accept that it was my profound internal decision and intention to open my heart centre, transmit subtle frequencies and empower spiritual beliefs coupled with a synchronistic revelation that my ex-wife and dearly beloved seven year old son had emigrated to America, which caused my conscious field to attract trauma and healing into my life. The environment around New Cross in London was essentially too toxic to accommodate such subtle yet powerful extremes of consciousness experimentation. True to intent, it is this high level of manifestation of subtle energies and the resultant real-world court experiences and issues of self-identity which have inspired this choice of degree project. Having finally accepted the truth of these intuitions and inner guidance, I now choose to create this tool with which to study these concepts through the medium of my self and the documentation of my own self awareness. I hope to use this project as a tool for self healing and reprogram the traumas resulting from the “car crash” analogy of July.
“there are two separate minds that create the body’s controlling ‘central voice.’ The (self)conscious mind is the thinking ‘you,’ it is the creative mind that expresses free-will. Its supporting partner is the subconscious mind, a super computer loaded with a database of programmed behaviours. Some programs are derived from genetics, these are our instincts and they represent nature. However, the vast majority of the subconscious programs are acquired through our developmental learning experiences, they represent nurture.
The subconscious mind is not a seat of reasoning or creative consciousness, it is strictly a stimulus-response device. When an environmental signal is perceived, the subconscious mind reflexively activates a previously stored behavioral response…no thinking required. The subconscious mind is a programmable autopilot that can navigate the vehicle without the observation or awareness of the pilot-the conscious mind. When the subconscious autopilot is controlling behaviour, consciousness is free to dream into the future or review the past.
The dual-mind system’s effectiveness is defined by the quality of the programs carried in the subconscious mind.”
I propose that the analogy between the workings of the human mind and the workings of computers applies especially in comparison of this subconscious mind and artificial computer intelligence. The elusive question arises as to how humans are conscious, who is the “i” to whom we all refer and what is the relationship between this I and its body and emotions, it's thoughts and feelings, its inspirations and fears ?
In 1985, Dr Bruce Lipton noticed that the definition of a cell membrane is exactly the same as for a computer processor: “a liquid crystal semi-conductor with gates and channels”.
In a documentary called Quantum Communication,
he speaks of how the cell behaviour mirrors the behaviour of computing in being able to read / write to its genes. For the first time in history, he is proving that we can reprogram our DNA.
“The membrane reads the environment and adjusts the biology. The nucleus of the cell, with its genes, represents a hard disc and the genes are programs. Old belief was that the nucleus and its genes were read-only memory, so that whatever our genes are, that would be our fate, however, the new insights reveal that the nucleus of the cell was not read-only, it was actually read / write. So, basically the cell was a programmable device. If you put it into an environment, it would read the environment and then adjust the expression of the genes to match that of the environment.”
“A biochemical definition of the cell membrane reads as follows: the membrane is a liquid crystal (phospholipids organization) semiconductor.
The only things that can cross the membrane barrier are those brought across by transport Integral Membrane Proteins (IMP) with gates (receptor IMPs) and channels (effector IMPs).
This definition is exactly the same as that used to define a computer chip. Recent studies have verified that the cell membrane is in fact an organic homologue of a silicon chip.”
I am a strange loop, a complex nerve ending of spiritual concepts and philosophies. My mind is vast. I am open to unusual ideas. I seek to embody mythologies and stories in my life experience. I came to university by a strange series of coincidences, following intuitions of self-evolved theories of creative manifestation. Computer science appealed to me as parallel to my inner ideas, my evolving belief system in which, for example, decision making logic gates inside computers equate to how I navigate through life, each decision leading to experiences. Emotions, as flip-flop gates, need to be open to allow informational current to flow through.
Dr Bruce Lipton
“Bruce Lipton explains how certain proteins work as an on-off switch to DNAs and how environmental factors, including our own beliefs, can create such switches. “Genes are only computer programs — information entered to the program determines the outcome, and we, as operators, have the key to choose which data to be entered. This is called epigenetics.”
“Signals represent environmental forces that switch on the motor within a cell and cause protein gears to move. Signals represent both physical and energetic information that comprise the world in which we live. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the people we touch, even the news we hear-all represent environmental signals that activate protein movement and generate behaviour. Consequently, when we use the term environment in our discussion, we mean everything from the edge of our own skin to the edge of the Universe. This is environment in the truly large sense.”
This project seeks to integrate and map my evolving ideas into tools of understandings from computer science, to create an application which serves to elucidate my peculiar inner processes. My research field is consciousness and communication. I wish to create a tool which will help solidify my understandings into an evolving system, to objectify an inner sense of structure. I seek to understand my self, my mind and emotions and how they are linked, my life story, memories and the creative process which creates my future circumstances.
The idea that computers can record and store data in a similar way to the logical processes of the mind is the basis of a 1950 paper by A. M.Turing – the father of computing, entitled COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE, in which he proposes “to consider the question, "Can machines think?"” as the very first sentence.
I am attempting to create a use of the computer which can help to mirror consciousness back to the user, in audio and video format, but the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is to mirror the consciousness back to the human in a technological metaphor and audio visual feedback. I am not attempting to create artificial intelligence, merely a conceptual aid to understanding my own human processes. However, I am enjoining a question about technology which Turing himself found fascinating and open ended. This next quote is from the same article:
“The Argument from Consciousness
This argument is very, well expressed in Professor Jefferson's Lister Oration for 1949, from which I quote. "Not until a machine can write a sonnet or compose a concerto because of thoughts and emotions felt, and not by the chance fall of symbols, could we agree that machine equals brain - that is, not only write it but know that it had written it. No mechanism could feel (and not merely artificially signal, an easy contrivance) pleasure at its successes, grief when its valves fuse, be warmed by flattery, be made miserable by its mistakes, be charmed by sex, be angry or depressed when it cannot get what it wants.
This argument appears to be a denial of the validity of our test. According to the most extreme form of this view the only way by which one could be sure that machine thinks is to be the machine and to feel oneself thinking. One could then describe these feelings to the world, but of course no one would be justified in taking any notice. Likewise according to this view the only way to know that a man thinks is to be that particular man. It is in fact the solipsist point of view. It may be the most logical view to hold but it makes communication of ideas difficult.”
The research of Dr. Bruce Lipton, appears to validate my intuition that computers can help humans to understand how we ourselves function, by analogy that the intelligent design of our cells are like computer chips:
“Renowned cell biologist, former University of Wisconsin Medical School professor and Stanford University researcher Dr. Bruce Lipton has turned his scientific exploration to the integration of mind, body and spirit. In short, he studies how our beliefs affect our health.
In 1982, Dr. Bruce Lipton began exploring quantum physics to more fully explain the cell’s information processing systems. His breakthrough studies on the cell membrane revealed its function as essentially an organic computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain.
A decade later, Dr. Bruce Lipton made a discovery that ran counter to everything scientists believed about the role of genes in the body. His research showed that environmental forces outside the cell control its behaviour and physiology, turning genes on and off. This idea opened the door to a new and important field, the science of epigenetics.
Dr. Bruce Lipton’s two major scientific papers based on these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Subsequent papers by other researchers have validated his concepts.”
“Bruce Lipton explains that there are actually two minds in us, the subconscious and the conscious, and the subconscious mind runs the show of our life most of the time. So when the response is not desirable, whether it is ill health conditions or inappropriate behaviours, it is critical to change the subconscious response pattern.
The trouble is, we can’t change the subconscious by reasoning things out. The subconscious mind is like an automated computer program, so we need to reprogram it. It’s like my word-processing software automatically correcting my spelling. Most of the time it’s fine, but there are certain words I use that are not in the software’s dictionary, and when the program corrects it, it irritates me. And I can’t fix this problem by talking to my computer. I need to take action to get it learn the new words.”
Here in lies the core usefulness of my project in terms my consciousness studying my self. Through studying recordings of myself in technological reflection, I can come to express conscious awareness of my life story, my experiences, experiments and theories while in a meditative state. The connection to the computer system through the heart monitor, is a link to remembering that we humans are subject to subconscious programming and that through meditation, we can reprogram beliefs held at a cellular level through conscious intent and self awareness in order to change habit and achieve deeper insights into our very nature of being alive and evolving creatures. Our feelings affect the clarity of how we think.
Relationship between human heart and brain
“The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to heart-based living – people relying on the intelligence of their hearts in concert with their minds to conduct their lives at home, school, work and play. HeartMath has been researching heart intelligence, stress and emotional management for more than 19 years and applied its findings to practical, easy-to-use tools that have been scientifically developed and tested.”
“For centuries, the heart has been considered the source of emotion, courage and wisdom. At the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) Research Centre, we are exploring the physiological mechanisms by which the heart communicates with the brain, thereby influencing information processing, perceptions, emotions and health. We are asking questions such as: Why do people experience the feeling or sensation of love and other positive emotional states in the area of the heart and what are the physiological ramifications of these emotions? How do stress and different emotional states affect the autonomic nervous system, the hormonal and immune systems, the heart and brain? Over the years we have experimented with different psychological and physiological measures, but it was consistently heart rate variability, or heart rhythms, that stood out as the most dynamic and reflective of inner emotional states and stress. It became clear that negative emotions lead to increased disorder in the heart’s rhythms and in the autonomic nervous system, thereby adversely affecting the rest of the body. In contrast, positive emotions create increased harmony and coherence in heart rhythms and improve balance in the nervous system. The health implications are easy to understand: Disharmony in the nervous system leads to inefficiency and increased stress on the heart and other organs while harmonious rhythms are more efficient and less stressful to the body’s systems.
More intriguing are the dramatic positive changes that occur when techniques are applied that increase coherence in rhythmic patterns of heart rate variability. These include shifts in perception and the ability to reduce stress and deal more effectively with difficult situations. We observed that the heart was acting as though it had a mind of its own and was profoundly influencing the way we perceive and respond to the world. In essence, it appeared that the heart was affecting intelligence and awareness.”
“HeartMath researchers found that we can actually be aware of an event five to seven seconds before it happens. In the recent study, subjects were shown a series of images. Most of the images were peaceful and calming, such as landscapes, trees and cute animals. Other photos, randomly dispersed in the succession, included violent, disturbing and emotionally stimulating images such as car crash, a bloody knife or a snake about to strike. The subjects were monitored during the viewing for changes in respiration, skin conductance, EEG (brain waves), ECG (electrocardiogram) and heart rate variability. Participants' physiological indicators registered an emotional response five to seven seconds before an emotionally disturbing image would appear on the viewing screen.
The main findings show that the heart receives and responds to intuitive information. Significant changes in heart rate variability occurred prior to disturbing and emotionally stimulating images appearing on the screen, compared to calm and serene images appearing. The fact that the heart is involved in the perception of future external events is an astounding result. The classical perspective assigns the brain an exclusive role in information processing. This study opens the door to new understandings about intuition and suggests that intuition is a system-wide process involving at least both the heart and the brain working together to decode intuitive information.”
My project will help me to experientially explore this link between heart and brain.
A key practical concept of my project is in subverting the usual unconscious relationship between human and computer. Generally a user of a computer is primarily mind orientated. A user watching sexually arousing content will be stimulated and their heart rate will increase. The audio visual content effects the heart. Similarly, a user playing a FPS – first person shooter game will also become so immersed in the content of the game that their heart rate will be deeply affected. The over all effect in both examples will be the human becoming less consciously aware of their physical body and feelings. Their consciousness is removed to inside their mind, fed by the senses, which in turn are being fed by the technology.
The meditation machine usurps this effect through intent. The user is consciously aware that their heart affects their mind and body. Use of the system reinforces this truth through practice. Feelings affect heart rate, heart rate affects media output. Media output represents the human senses, and we are back to the ancient wisdom of the Buddha, which advises that human heart centred consciousness, called the middle way, is more real than the physical senses, hence the practice of meditation for a alleviation of suffering the human condition.
“Recent experiments have shown that intuitive perception of a future event is related to the degree of emotional significance of that event, and a new study shows that both the brain and the heart are involved in processing a pre-stimulus emotional response to the future event. Drawing on this research and on the principles of quantum holography, we develop a theory of intuitive perception. The theory explains how focused emotional attention directed to the object of interest (such as a potential future business opportunity) attunes the psychophysiological systems to a domain of quantum-holographical information, which contains implicit information on the object’s future potential. The body’s perception of such implicit information about the object’s future is experienced as an intuition.”
“The intuitions reported by mystics, poets, artists, ordinary people, even scientists, often go beyond the range of sensory perception. In the reductionist culture inspired by classical science, they are dismissed as mere delusion – classical empiricism claims that there is nothing in the mind that was not first in the eye. However, the classical tenet is not universally upheld. It is exceptional in the annals of history, and even in the context of contemporary cultures.In history intuitions were embedded in the conceptual framework through which a given culture interpreted the nature of reality. In indigenous societies shamans and medicine-men (and women) tuned themselves to spontaneous apprehension through rigorous initiation and training; they derived their mystical vision from them. In mythically oriented societies the world was seen as a cosmic realm of spirits, and in classical cultures it was believed to be governed by a panoply of unseen gods. The Abrahamic monotheistic religions recognised the intuitions of their prophets as conveying fundamental truths about God and the nature of His creation. Eastern cultures have always held that reality extends far beyond the domain of the senses.”
“The answer to the question regarding the origin and nature of the information transferred by quantum-resonance to the brain can now be essayed. When the phase and frequency of a cerebral lattice corresponds to the phase and frequency of a quantum hologram, brain and hologram enter into phase-conjugate resonance. This allows the information conserved at the nodes of Akashic Field quantum holograms to be transferred to the cerebral receptors. Thus some of the intuitions that reach consciousness are not merely delusion: they are transmitted by phase-conjugate resonance from the Akashic Field to the cytoskeletal structures of the brain. Just which intuitions have this physical origin cannot be ascertained at this time merely by examining the pertinent cerebral processes. We need to resort to circumstantial evidence, examining the correspondence of the content of the intuitions with things and events known to exist in the real world through ordinary sensory perception. But we can affirm in good conscience that it is entirely plausible some intuitions have a bona fide physical basis. And that, in itself, goes a long way toward legitimating belief in the veridical nature of at least some of our intuitions.”
“It appears that the heart is involved in the processing and decoding of intuitive information. Once the pre-stimulus information is received in the psychophysiologic systems, it appears to be processed in the same way as conventional sensory input. This study presents compelling evidence that the body’s perceptual apparatus is continuously scanning the future.”
“The theory explains how passionate attention directed to the object of interest (such as a potential future business opportunity) attunes the body's psychophysiological systems to a domain of quantum-holographic information, which contains implicit information about the object's future. The body's perception of this information is experienced by the entrepreneur as an intuition.”,5,6;journal,2,36;linkingpublicationresults,1:112371,1
to be continued asap !!!!!!
same experiment, from computer science to real life, back and forth
recording mechanisms ....