"Jesus Lessons" Act One
Story Telling Work .:. Lesson 1
These days, I'm learning to comprehend .:. ::
that "the devils know-not Whom they Serve"
and that the whole "truther" notion is False
Faith in The Over-arching-Evil-Enemy-Entity
The Demi - Urge
Represented by the One world Government
Absolute-Belief in Over-Arching Conspiracies
People put more Belief in the anti-Christ than
having Faith in Belief in the Salvation of Souls
do you know why "Jesus" got arrested ?
do you know what "Jesus" got charged with ?
Do you know what "Jesus" was convicted of ?
Have you ever thought about why this Story ?
This Story is the Corner-Foundation S tone of LAW
in the "western world" ... thus to Swear-on-the-Bible
is to acknowledge The Truth set-out-in The Story
Called The New Testement ...
As far as I can tell from my own storytelling abilities
The Story is a Simple Psycho-Logical Master-Piece
But the Sense and moral of a Story depends on
Who is telling the Story,
who is nuancing the narrative
who is skipping-over specific details
and how well the over-all punch-lines are delivered.
.:. A typical Story narrative .:.
Kinda normal guy, just doing his own ting
but some things happen, in a series of events
which disrupt the guy's normal way-of-life
something "novel" is happening to his "normal"
the "novel"- narrative takes him
through a transformation
where, Ultimately - He must Face Him Self
in reflection of the Out-Side-World-conspiring
He faces certain-Death, yet somehow survives
and the Whole-Process was well-worth-while
so long as the "normal" guy follows-through
takes a series of steps,
and trusts,
that the steps add-up,
one step at a time,
and in the "end"
the steps-have-become-a-Whole-Stair-Way
just as when reading a book
once you begin at the beginning
and letting the Story speak to your imagination
you automatically become engaged
in imagining The Story as if it is "my" Story
as if This-Story is happening Now, to me
and an "i" cannot resist
the intelligence of Pattern-Re-Cognition
and to internalise ALL novel external experience
imagining, comparing & processing
what's "novel" to what's "known"
and to anticipate with suspended-disbelief
how THIS Story-Teller
will draw-conclusions
"drawing the story to a close"
if you commit to taking the first steps,
as the steps are laid-out-before-your-feet
and trust-in-Faith with each step-taken
that the "next-Step" will reveal itself presently
until the step-by-step Process gives rise to
Ascending a Stair Way to HeaveN
step by step
Guided by a Faith in a "higher-Self-intelligence"
Guided by the "ancestral Wisdom"
Gathered from the Generations who have Lived
Through the Ages of re-iterations of Incarnations
.:. To Garner .:.
"to collect something, usually after much work or with difficulty"
So, as a story-teller, I know, we all tell stories, every day ...
We psychologically relate our impressions as expressions
We repeat the same-stories all of our lives,
condensing the story-lines into concise slices,
as we grow older, eventually accepting Wisdom
Thus, the natural-development of "old - wives - tales",
Thus the collective faerietales
Thus the folk-wisdom-Traditions
and Thus:
The Aural-Traditions of Folk-Lore
and living-mythologies re-incarnating
Thus: [ spoke our "greatest druid" ]
was the "Power-of-The-Bard" in Past Gaelic Society
for The Storyteller has the natural-ability to "incorporate"
the challenges-being-faced-at-the-times
each new generation, facing the "novel" changes
as the over-all-evolution continually expands in complexity
from "tribal" simplicity, to modern "global" conspiracies
Thus, the various "bibles" which compile these aural
expressions of impressions, garnered through thousands
of re-iterations of the common-experiences
of "primitive-man" surviving the "Wilderness"
of the "nomadic-family" settling on a "promised Land"
of the negotiations with neighbouring settlements
of various versions of invasions and theft and violence
of defending territory, chattle and crops from "invaders"
of enslavement, warfare and subjection to "foreign-Rule"
of keeping the Native Traditions and "freedoms" alive
while living under suppression of Native "identity" customs
of awaiting a "Saviour-Great-Leader" to be revealed
of attempted-insurrection rising-up around "The Hero"
of the Native-Peoples regaining their Native Freedoms
of developments of Systems-of-Governing - LAWS -
of confederacies of tribal agreements to Keep-Peace
Laws are essentially .:. "GoDs" Command-ments"
Laws are hard-boiled Eggs that don't go sour
Laws have withstood "the tests of Time"
Laws are derived from un/conscious self-evident "truths"
Laws are agreed over millenia of common-sense-consent
Back straight to "The Jesus Story"
The Story Captures the Listeners
Through their imaginations
The listeners follow-along,
and project their "identity" onto the characters
unfolding their destinies
novel advancements reiterating eternal Themes
The New Normal - in TimE -
The New Testement
The New Interpretation of the "Canons-of-Laws"
The New Inter-National "grass-roots-movement"
The New Universal Catholic-Church/Roman Empire
The New European Enlightenment
The New European Nationalist Empires
The New Mystical-Technology of Enlightenment
The New World Wars 1 & 2
The New Democracy Gold Standard Economy
The New Universal Inter-Faith of Global Scientology
The New League of United Nations
The New Techno-logical Global-World Order
The New Artificial Intelligence System
{ oooooh, that's quite novel !! }
The New Realisation of Salvation's logarithmic Equation
which is
Christ Light Shone in D ark
cast Shadows in Material terrain
Christ-Story Creates 2000 year "long" Shadow
which is reflected in our 2000 years experience
of HiStory
An Anti-Christ is inherently initiated by Christ-Ability
[ Light Casts Shadow ]
as in Plato's cave analogy
My short-version-telling of the Jesus Story
"a nice guy,
from an exiled old-but-deposed royal-lineage among one of the Tribes,
is born bright and beautifully, precosciously intelligent,
with an intense-inner-sense of Loving-Nature
He is born in a Time when there is an over-arching military empire
Ruling over many nomadic Tribes in a conquered region,
steeped in the history of Ages of various Traditions
There has been a local-prophesy for many generations,
foretelling the birth of a new-Hero Saviour,
Who will lead His People on their Quest for Sovereign Independance
In telling This-Story, I, The Story-Teller Knows,
that I am speaking for ALL Native Peoples who have been
defeated by a dominating-Culture with superior military organisation,
throughout All Time,
and that children look to their Elders
to entertain their imaginations with stories
for all Story-Tellers know,
that children get bored if not-enter-tained
for all children inherently know
that they get into Trouble soon after they get bored
So, Stories begin simple and universal,
teaching simple self-evident truths
of Heroes who have adventures
like the adventures we all have
and this little baby boy
was like any baby
born innocent of any Adultery or Sin
When this Boy was Born
His Family Called Him An Iasc . .:. [pro-nounce as ee-ask] .:. .
"The Fish",
and as a boy, his People called him Isa
{ now, also, you see, i must tell you that ; }
once upon a time
there was a Roman "emporer" who was scared
of a Story,
that was told of a Saviour,
to be Born
who would grow up to defeat the Emperor
and destroy His dynastic Empire inheritance
So, he decided to have every first-born-boy
to be murdered in their homes by his soldiers
Yet, even so, the family of this one Baby Boy
were good-hearted and honestly-intelligent
They were a Noble line-age of People who
Followed The Way-of-Love-in-Peace
and they did not seek to destroy any empires
for this Family were still WISE Nomadic Peoples
And so they were Travelling when their baby was Born
and the Soldiers did not find them in the houses
And because the Emperor had been assured by his soldiers,
that his Wish had been fullfilled,
he believed he had defeated his of the heroic enemy,
before he would have a Chance to grow up ...
and he paid them their Wages of War
and he considered the matter-settled
... { let me pause here to say that this story-so-far applies
to the psychology all ALL infant-mortality,
no matter what the cause,
instilling the belief in the Family-Tribe,
that though Childhood is ridiculously-difficult to survive,
for infinities of ludicrous reasons,
even-so, Nature-Nurtues and GoD-Guides
and Love Protects the Faith-full } ...
Well, when Isa was 12 years old,
he travelled with his Mom and Dad,
and on a Journey to the Capital-City one-time
they suddenly noticed that the boy had disappeared,
and they panicked for a moment,
for-fear that their Child had been Stolen,
for such things were feared,
and such things were known to happen,
especially during a Festival,
especially in the biggest Cities.
And they rushed about in the area where
they had noticed that Isa was missing,
but they could not see Sight nor Scent of him nearby.
So they calmed their Breath for a Moment,
and cleared their Hearts and Minds
and Prayed to God in this Moment
asked "where could our Isa be ?"
and their intuition responded
"go ascend the steps of the Temple
there you will find higher-perspective
and more will be revealed"
So Isa's Parents, Mary and Joe
rushed up the stone-steps of the Temple
and they looked back down to the crowded square
but they still could not see their boy Isa any where
But before Fears could drown their ears with panic
they stilled their Hearts and Listened
Lo and Be Hold
They both could hear Isa Speaking behing their backs
and turned to see the strangest unexpected occurrence
Isa was Speaking to the Eldars of the Temple
and they were all Listening to Isa
and their faces all looked stunned and amazed
for Isa spoke Scriptures like Poetry
drawing symbols of Circles
and Serpents biting their own Tails
in the sand with the end of a stick
When the Eldars asked him how-come he knew
these Sciptures off-by-heart while so young
Isa had simply answered .:.
"My Father Knows"
Saying so, Isa had walked away from the Eldars
and rejoined with his Parents on their Way
.:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:.
and the Boy Isa was not seen again ...
.:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:.
End of ACTS 1
see video here