magnetic magic net

I've had this idea growing in my mind for the past few years, that the internet is a magic net, which magnetically attracts people to spend more and more time in a virtual mental experience.
I had been fearful that it is a ploy by an alien intelligence, which is secretly intent upon invading and possessing the human spirit, and harvesting human emotion while capturing our attention and studying us, counting us and leading us all into an artificial, superficial, virtual world of educated-ignorance, programming how we think and feel - how we frame "The World" we imagine is "out there".
It's an idea of Biblical proportions and portents of "The End-Days" where souls are Judged against the "weight of a feather" on some Spirit-dual Scales of Innocence versus Guilt.
These concepts of an Absolute God with a Shadow-Self, who has locked Himself out of The Creation, which we humans inhabit, has also had a counterpart in my imagination - that we humans already live in an inverted hollow-graphic, that our minds are already filled with imaginary conceptions about "Life", that we are already in a virtual-world-existance, inhabiting "physical" body identifications - which run out of energy, which need to rest, which die and are re-spawned further along the "time-line" of the meta-narrative of "Eternity".
The idea that an evil entity is seeking to invert life, to replicate Nature, to mind-control humanity and "steal our souls", to hook us into a matrix world, where our physical bodies are wired to a techno-logical machine-world, while we are tricked into believing that we have limited choices, limited "free will" within a govern-mental Matrix of Laws and social-contract-obligations, as well as a huge complex of sub-conscious "drives" and "personality-traits" which pre-script our "destiny".
I can see through my own experience that I
"spend more and more time online",
that I've been downloading data from an electronic MetaTronic "invisible-realm" into my mind, and believing what i "see". I've been downloading the internet into my out-look on Life.
How I see the World is being challenged.
I've been resisting the idea that the computerised virtual world has been purposefully downloading IT-self into our 'real lives' and like The Pied-Piper, is leading us into un-real-world, to be Judged and categorised and algorythmically organised into a new world order, a new age, a new model "after-life" in a post-human / transhuman nightmare, where "Free Will" is automated, "for the greater good".
The idea that we humans are being groomed and preyed upon, from a "higher-dimension", especially since these coVid lockdown 'measures', masquerading as our collective conscious response to an 'invisible enemy',
- that the human population has been reacting according to directions received from the artificial intelligence, of processed Big Data, so that humans are now Ruled by a computer simulation from a hive-mind Ai.
The idea that hundreds of years ago, occultists, the likes of John Dee, have been 'downloading' an alien / Angelic language, into the human sub-conscious, which has developed into the machine language of computer code: luciferic electro-magnetic fields of quantum magic nets with which to capture consciousness and allow for evil deception to seize control of existance.
Its an old idea.
of Biblical Proportions.
Lucifer seeKing to usurp God, and take demonic possession of The Creation, an egoic idea of jealousy and envy and ambition to be the One, whose free-Will expression is to dominate all other Will and become the new 'King of Creation'.
It is an idea that Lucifer is the Prime Fallen Angel with all lesser demonic identities being under his dominion, working towards a common goal to subvert humanity and invert the Natural-Order - to re-order the Creation.
A material-hell-realm in which souls are trapped into reicarnation by a malevelent evil entity, cutting us off from ever experiencing our Divine Source.
Such a hell-realm belief insists that Divine Will can never rescue us from our belief in being cut-off, that Divine Spirit can never desend into Matter and bring "Heaven down to Earth".
A belief that "God" has Judged us unworthy.
A belief that we earth-bound humans have failed the test, that Matter has outweighed Spirit in our individual souls.
It is an old idea.
A hard-wired, deep-seated, religiously inspired bogey-man spiritual idea of a 'false God'.
The idea that the "Elite" are blood-drinking vampires whose souls were captured Ages ago, even long before The Fall of Atlantis, the sub-mergence of Consciousness, the Luciferic Fall in which the Elites believe, that "free Will" is a game, in which "survival of the fittest" is the end result.
Lucifer Light-Code - the cypher of Lu
The Language of Light
"Light is Good,
Light is God,
Dark is bad,
Dark is ignorant,
Light is knowledge.
Light Will eradicate Darkness.
Knowledge will eradicate ignorance.
Science will eradicate the diseases of ignorance.
More knowledge is the cure to death."
Knowledge is mind-control.
Knowledge is incomplete.
Knowledge actually gets-in-the-way of "knowing.
But "data" - ahhhh
Data is the new way to "know"
Now Science has defeated God
For God does not care to cure disease
Science has closed the Churches for coVid
and even God remains silent and compliant.
These are old ideas - updated.
And it can be seen to be happening these days,
especially since the Advent of the Smart phone
and the 5th generation broadband ubiquity
of online 2nd Life participation,
of 4th Industrial re-evolution,
of man-made climate-change,
of lockstep global compliance
and "man-dates" about universal injections
to "protect and survive".
A One World Government
A Universal Basic Income
A Smart surVEILance System
Sat-a-Lights illuminate the Earth
Science seeks to con-solid-ate the atmos-fear
to dissect and diminish the darkness of Space
to destroy the limits of Light
to save time
to create a more "effecient" Creation
to shut out the Sun of God.
IT = In formation Technology.
IT is out-of-our-hands.
IT is in Artificial hands now.
Existence has been Patented and re-branded.
Existential-anxiety is the New-Normal.
The "future" has been mapped-out.
These beliefs about "invisible enemies"
have been hard-wired into our cinema-projections,
the 4th Wall of suspended-disbelief as the narratives unfold, like a massive first-person-role-playing-live-action-drama-series, projected onto our inner-imaginations from our compulsion to update-our-knowledge-base, through continuous "consumption of media".
We are anxious.
Our expectations are being confounded.
"The future is uncertain"
We each react in our own ways, yet we each are influenced by the behaviours of others. We have subconscious intelligence systems which we are relatively unconscious of.
We have a "herd-mentality" built into our collective "hive-mind".
We have been groomed and led to believe
We have been propagandised with con fusions
We have been given "choices"
to "Believe" or "not believe" -
that is the Question.
Thus the inter-net created the option
of the "alternative view"
the "anything goes" concoctions
of the "conspiracy theories"
of the "Truth Movements"
9 / 11 - Towers collapsing - inside Job
Sub Conscious "messaging" from occulted Tarot
Draw a line beneath IT - The Alter Native view
The "truth movement" is a joke, a paranoid projection conceived and propagated through the magnetic magic net - it would be more accurate to say the
"partial-truth-moves-minds", or the
Fractions attempting to make ITself whole through competition, through joining the dots, through out-numbering the enemy, to beat them at their own game, the 99% destroying the 1%, to become free, to become Whole.
Same old idea.
Same old psycho-logical schitzophrenic wound.
Cut out the cancer to heal the Hole.
Something deeper has finally surfaced.
A realisation that the mind-controlling con-fusion is an internal conflict for each one of us, as individuals. That we are all guilty of controlling our own emotions, of ignoring our deepest feelings, of taking Life for granted, of internal-eyes projecting-power plays, of self-sabotage, of immense self-doubt and self-critical-systems-failures.
Ive been grappling with this idea that technology combined with the evil living within the human psyche can actually achieve an artificial enslavement of humanity, can actually replicate Life with robots and programmable-matter as nano-bots with alien machine intelligence, currently constructing a 3rd strand onto the human/cyborg DNA.
These ideas caused me to have to delve deep within and challenge my Self to distinguish between the concepts and contexts of "knowl edge" - to discern the "Truth".
[ got interupted a few times this morning, with the childrens business!, give me a few minutes to finish writing this ]
Somewhere around 2018, I'd absorbed so much information about technology and its Artificial "Singularity", its military and medical "dual-uses" of research and development and its apparent ability to "terraform" the Natural World of Earth into a replicated trans-natural Alien World.
A World which i didn't even want to imagine living in.
A World which i feared for my childrens' futures
The Specter of this future-catastrophy made me have to question my hopes and fears, my beliefs and dis-beliefs.
I realised that I had absorbed so much dis-information over 45 years, that I'd become muddled and con-fused, scared-brave and afraid.
With-in in-tuition I realised that I had best let go
finally let the "data-set drop"
and accept that MinD cannot "know"
that I needed to go deeper than MinD
down into the deepest feelings
to accept that my mind is de-pressed
that I need deep-rest
in order to rest easy
in order to heal dis-ease
I accepted the intuition that if i follow feeling
I will truly learn to accept my own Vision
I asked for Guidance
I asked for Peace
I asked for Acceptance
I asked for Truth
I asked for Love
I asked for True Reflection
I asked for Recognition
I asked for Trust
I asked for humility
I am a dark-side out-sider
I've had the time and space
within my family life
to be able to take-time-out
and practice living in Love
I've had a lot of projections to process
a lot of notions to consider
a lot of revelations to integrate
a lot of broken relation-ships to salvage
a lot of hurts to heal
a lot of 4-got-10 black-outs to re-member
a lot of experience of spokeN brokeN heaveN
where I have experimented in realms beyond
acting upon exhibiting the dark-side in-tuition
to do what is prohibited and inhibited
to smash taboos and destroy my good-name
to dance, daring demons to defy me.
So, to simply quit fighting and accept
that fighting has not brought me any peace
that my methods Self-conflicted
that I have Self-sabotaging beliefs
that to "find Peace" I must lay down my weapons
That to find Peace, I had to stop looking for danger
In 2006 I intuited an idea called
The Planetary Peace Process
The idea is correct
but in my own estimation
I was not a worthy re pre sent at I've
I was still looking for danger back then
I was embroiled in complex dangerous experiences
I was embroidered in reflexive mirroring weaves
I was living in deathly shadow realms
I was not living peacefully
I was hurting, wounded and projecting wildly
I was having accidental black-outs with spirits
I was expressing feelings which others refused
I believed there were feelings which needed help
feelings which had never been accepted
feelings that had been excluded
feelings in which "no-one was loving"
feelings which were terrified to death
feelings which are un-worthy of Love
feelings which ARE the "frozen block Ages"
feelings which the modern-mortal-mind avoids
The MinD recoils away from these feelings
The MinD dis-owns, rejects and ignores these feelings
The MinD steers clear from these feelings
The MinD can not ENTER into these feelings
because the consciousness blacks-out
Yet, back in 2005, I made a pact
with what I conceived of my own soul
and with what I could conceive of as "God"
And I conceived of God as being able to feel.
I conceived of God as Being aware of "me"
I conceived God as Loving and receiving Love
I conceived God as Being Mother Earth Soul Love
I conceived God as Being Inter-Active with Love
I conceived God as the Love with-in All
I conceived that I can Be Loved in any situation
I conceived that I can Be Love in every emotion
and so, I followed a path of synchronicities
where I got continually triggered into un-Loved scenarios
disasterous situations of loss and disgrace and controversies, until I felt continually exiled, so "dark" and troubled that I needed to retreat completely from the "normal" world, from "normal" people, because I carry energies and ideas, feelings and experiences, which are unacceptable in modern mortal Society





. This is still unfinished, other things to do

bedtime ............... love beds ...................... beloveds