Let's look at the Psyche

Finding Peace from the Spiritual War ?

How to leave the battle-field.


Let's look at the psyche
I've just put my children to bed
and my daughter is reading the Harry Potter books.
So the idea of being watched by demons
or watched over by faeries or angels or God
came up in conversation.
Psyche is one of those words that we use but
most folk don't delve deeply into wondering
what does the word actually describe
It's all too easy to use words as labels
and to think that knowing the label
is the same as knowing the meanings
Some words are so inherent that we
take them for granted.
A couple of years ago I started to notice
that words with the Sound of "sigh"
like : sky, side, scythe, circle, scisissors, sight, scry, silent
and psyche
all have the image and verbage of cutting
separating, sieve, seam, sew, scewer
all have the element of in-be-tween-ness
The psyche is somehow involved in describing
seeing between the worlds
Psychedelics alter the body-brain chemistry
and effect change in the vibrational frequency
of the perception of experience of "reality".
Psychedelic experimentation with these sub-stances
somehow alters the psyche and allows/permits/causes
for the narrow focus of "normality" to open
to bridge a "gap" between this {human} world
and the "otherworlds".
It's all subjective and anecdotal
Even the hippies shy away from such talk as
"yogurt weaving".
It's easy to skip passed the "psyche"
and use the word as a placeholder-label
to "describe" what we don't easily understand.
The psyche is scary - "psycho-killer"
The psyche is dangerous - "psychic-warfare"
The psyche is a bridge between mortal and immortal
and the study of this is called Psychology
psycho-logical {Logos-God}
The psyche is an un-mapped territory - Path-o-logical
In my youth I wandered around in the other-worlds
constantly living in my imagination but innocently.
I didn't even know how "far-out" I was.
I smoked a lot of ganga with an awareness that plants affect our frequency and that I could maintain being just a little "higher" than "normal" and thus fly-free with my imagination.
I wasn't so interested in alcohol. I'd seen the ill-effects of alcoholism everywhere around me as a child and knew to be wary. But also I couldn't afford to buy pints everyday whereas a smoke was cheap, and any entrepenurial butterfly can always live off the surplus of the supply-and-demand of the social circles of smokers.
My mind was a rapid-torrent of discovery and experience and the world was a playground for adventure. My heart burned with desires to "save the world" and it took me a few years to realise that "enviromentalism" is a mental-ism.
I was a precoscious "truth-seeker".
I was nieve and innocent and trusting and shy, yet also exploding with directions responding and flowing and growing and becoming knowledge-able and worldly and wary and out-spoken and eventually completely over-loaded with absorbing the extremes of manifesting potentials of over-loaded manifestations.
Living the [pro-active-change] dream as an active real-world reality does surely run into opposition from the "realists" and terrible fears from those who are scared of psyche "powers" being unleashed.
There is imminent danger of self-destruction in the heights of hallucination, in the beliefs of "magical" soul-realms and infinite possibilities of "free" Will.
It took "burn-out" and eventually a kind of mental-break-down to realise that the mind is a "realm" - and that there are other "realms" beyond the constructs of the "human" modern-mind. Ancestral and Nature realms pre-existing states of consciousness, realms into which modern-man-mind deems unreal, invisible, imaginary.
I used to enjoy picking magic mushrooms and to invest months of my life every autumn ingesting and digesting the little "liberty caps" in Irish fields and I particularily loved to go on journeys to "sacred sites" for mushroom-trips.
A "trip" is a short journey
away and back again
perhaps changed by the experience
but also a "trip" is a fall
a loss of momentum and balance
an uncertain landing
and an inherent danger.
To venture into the "otherworlds" is freedom.
To take drugs is fantastical escapism.
The chemicals in the drug are a fuel for the psyche.
If the psyche is the inner-Sky,
then drugs are rocket-fuel for the imagination.
What goes "up" .:. must come back "down.
Psychedelic drugs ignite the imagination
and cause powerful hallicinations.
Seeing is believing.
We can all see things differently.
Yet we have a "collective consensus"
a "body of rules" and social-norms to conform to.
"Humans" live in the "real-world".
People who take thousands of magic mushrooms
for days and weeks into months
every autumn for years
have journeyed far beyond the "real-word".
What I was seeing in my "world"
was not what the "humans" see in their "real-world".
I had loved to "melt the walls of my mind".
I didn't really know what I was doing
I was compulsed and felt guided
I noticed synchronicities and followed signs
I went-with-the-flow-of-the-moment.
I was in my own bubble but communicating
and socialising and creating and co-creating
in an innocent time of the 1990's
[BC] before computers took-over
and looong [BC] before covid took-over.
That world of the nineties is gone.
Life changes
We published magazines
We held Gathering for weeks at a time
We lived free from money-worries
We shared freely and fearlessly
We socialised non-stop - for years
We knew that "governments" were just a surface-reality
We knew that we could change the system
We knew that everybody was deep-down-good-at-heart
We knew that we all still had time
We knew that there was a global-change happening
We knew that we were the early-risers of a new Age
We knew that these times were prophesied
We knew that soon everyone else would wake up too
We knew that Life and Nature and God are Good
We knew that "everything will all work out well in the end"
I was particularily immersed in revelations and memories of prophetic "visions" to the point of drowning in the immensity of infinite lives being lived, and infinite timelines of connectivity and infinities of infinities of dimensions of existance somehow condensed into each "moment" funneling a nexus between each and every breath, each collide-o-scopic thought-in-process-in-time and the need to have slept and wept and feel the depth, to ponder the stillness which ever-accepts all thoughts of movement yet is all-ways Still-central.
20 years later
and the wisest of us know no more
except that we know nothing !
We have collectively "lost the plot".
And i have come to realise that "knowledge"
is only a step-by-step structure "know - Ledge"
"knowledge" is merely a book of symbols - a Ledger
and "knowledge" is the edge of a little hill - knowl-edge
The "mind" is a matrix ... an imagine-airy construct
The "mind" is a simulation
There is much more to Life than the mental-realm
The "mind" - being a simulation,
has no relation to feeling.
The mind is like an "Artificial Intelligence".
After our magazine crashed in the nineties
After I'd gotten tripped out for 5 months
and had gotten so "high" that I'd finally melted my mind, and felt that I didn't need to "come-down",
and found that I had to "follow my heart-in-tuitition" to survive in this "tripped-out-reality".
I disappeared to scotland for a month, after Princess Diana died, and found that whatever spiritual process was guiding me, was guiding me safely into experiences that further and further opened my heart and humbled my mind, enough to recognise that the mind is very much secondary in the true hierarchy "beyond-time". { trans-temporal meta reality }
Some sorts of "higher-truths" rule over reality far more than human laws of the man-made-mental-mortal realm.
And thus the age-old ideas of faith in some higher Power.
To trust in one Self
To trust in ones' elf
To Trust in One Self
In the sense that every thing and every one is connected and related and intertwined and co-existing in one now.
After I'd spent another 5 months coming back into my body. Integrity - the ability to integrate lifes experiences.
Back to normality, to slowing down to the pace of the world, of renting a house in the countryside in Sligo, at the foot of the Carrowkeel mountains. The local pub, the local shop, working with one of the local handyman/builders, making "normal" conversation. But mostly confined in self-isolation. Keeping a lid on all the revelations and machinations of experience that I was coping with, under my skin, inside my bubble, within my mind, within-the-outer-world.
The nervous system of Society.
And yet my mind had survived being melted.
The Mind and its bridge between worlds.
The bridge which we call the psyche.
But bridge is far too short an image for psyche.
Psyche is a realm far larger than mind.
Psyche relative to mind is like
the internet is relative to a computer.
And the body-mind is like an interface to psyche,
like a computer is an interface to the internet.
Another decade later, and after my boat sank in the canal in london, during the Tottenham riots, with my wife and new-born child asleep onboard, while i was away in ireland, and all our belongings got gutted and drowned and our lives turned upside down, and the goodness inherent in Society, the help of strangers and the guidance and generosity that came our way - I got introduced to a book called A Course In Miracles.
And whilst being a book about "Christ" and a very different view of all that "christianity", I found it a fascinating though thoroughly difficult read.
It describes the "reality" that we have "projected" our selves somehow into this "real world" of flesh and blood and body and bone, to inhabit a "self" and to think that we have Free Will.
But its basic debunking of this "reality" is that everything we experience here is polarised in duality.
The challenging concept of this book is that the "world" is born OUT_OF LOVE.
Everything in this World is doomed to die, because the "idea" of life here is ruled and measured by belief in the body-identity.
A belief that we humans are incarcerated in the body.
Through the eyes of the body we believe what we see.
We learn from the world and we project what we have learned upon the "world". We give this world "meaning".
Yet we are prone to mis-understanding, for our "logic" is faulty.
We are lost in the belief that we are born into body, but inherently born out-of Love.
What is whole is Love
and what is polarised
and separate is not-whole.
And so we have the manifest material "world"
which we project through mind {like a cinema}
The Christ teaching in A Course in Miracles says
that in realising that the body is in the mind
we can realise that we have projected a "part"
from wholeness into a dualistic idea - an inter-active temporal simulation, a realm constructed of "what if's".
By realising that "i" project my "self" into my "body"
and identify myself as a separate incarnation incarcerated in flesh and blood, prone to dis-ease and dis-stress, bowing to "laws" and "social norms" which are all based on error.
The Key to un-lock the mental chains of Thoughts arising from the error of overly-identifying with Body-Mind self-deceptions, of 5 senses without a sixth-sense of intuition, without a seventh-sense of Heave-N whispering that this world is a manifest-dream-time-zone in which we can awaken awareness of wholeness, and bring that "operating system" of Whole-Thought down-here into "my own personal" Life, defying the polarised compulsion to Judge and denounce The World, to take offence and build more barriers.
The error is to believe we are separate,
and in competition and confusions
we struggle with illusions of attainment.
The solution is to believe that we all eminate from Whole.
"i" am not cut-off from God,
unless "i" believe I am cut off from God.
To see my self as cut-off from my own True-Self
is an error which leaves me at the mercy of The Ego
and The Ego is an operating system
a mechanical governmental operating system
who's machinations we see around us every day.
The solution is in atonement and salvation.
A Tone meant in MinD .
A bell once struck, resonating harmonic salvation.
Basically to forgive myself for the error of seeing life backwards, to see the error of the Ego's thinking and to simply remember to re-connect with Truth .:. that we come into manifestation from wholeness and return to wholeness, and that while we are "alive" we can learn to re-member wholeness, by realising that every Body experiences the same error, which is always a projection of blame, either unmerciful self-blame or else self-blame projected at another some-body.
To learn to live with feeling-in-Tuition
To learn to trust to feel-inner-guidance
To learn to Love and Live in Heart-MinD
Aware that the "world" is insanely separate
But that I can maintain the ability to re-member to be Whole, to be invulnerable, because this world is an erroneous matrix simulation and that the only way to end suffering is, in the end, to end {my own} suffering, by re-membering that I am not separate, and we are not separate and no-one is to blame.
A Miracle occurs when we remember that the error i think i see in another is an error in my own perception ... so I forgive myself for believing in un-love ... and, in the pre-sent Gift of the moment-miracle of Creation, I for-give every one the opportunity to remember for themselves also, that there is only one moment in all of existence, and there is truly no salvation through projecting any fear or blame.
So, while the "real world" has now gone very visibly insane with masks and guidelines and screens and artificial intelligence, suspicion, fakenews, fear and ever-more con-formity ... I'm finally feeling more free and relaxed to fully embody the realisations and revelations that melted my mind and blew my Heart open way back when ...
For the world has gone totally insanely divided.
Its about a decade ago since I first started to try to "get my head around" this book, but it struck deep chords with me, for these ideas were sub-consciously very familiar to me, in fact, my own faeritale-life and the book I'd produced and self-published a decade before spoke of the same basic meta-physics .:.
The old Irish myths continually speak of immortal beings entering into the mortal realm to guide by example and to let the mortal world know there is a Land beneath the Sea.
There is a riddle to be dis-solved.
We come into Life from an other realM, and we still "live" in the other realms, but the "human" mind is programmed, like a room full of mirrors.
We are immortal beings *projecting into* this temporal world experience. We "leave" when we sleep and we leave when we die.
But put it the other way around, we believe we are "here" while we are "awake" and "alive" - because we are projecting-into this material realm, and we can only maintain the projection-identity for a few days of "wakefulness" before we need to "switch-off" and "go un-conscious", to "rest" .... and we can only "live" for a dozen decades at most before we must "let-go" and "leave this world" to "Rest in Peace".
So, Back to the Word "Psyche"
The Space between the mortal error and the immortal truth.
It struck me a while ago that this new-normal coVid isolation of Society has induced a living "purgatory" - a sort of soul-level stasis where everyone is having to question what their life is truly worth, what life they truly want to live, what they've taken for granted, our Loves and hugs not being shared, the elderly dying alone in "nursing homes"
I've also been thinking that this insane world has become an open-air lunatic asylum ... a psyche ward ...
That's a short, sharp snap-shot of long-exposure anyways
as to what's bubbling around in my "head" space
Thanks for reading
here's a rendering of words from 9 years ago
apocalyptic London @ the Heygate Estate
Art by Steve Reeves - .:. { Rest in Peace } ,:. -