C rock o G old
a sham rock for your troubles
a crock of G old
at the end of the rain bows ...
cult ure all un-fair war of bubbles
a People once b old
now tamed by the TV shows
intelligence turned against our selves
an itch that got under our skin
in visible fear of our kin
shielding and bubbling, staying at home
masking these fears by doing what we're told
"all in it together" take comfort in no-hugs
i'm a bit gob-smacked by how the weeks are flying by ... feeling the need to dig deeper and write n record some words of inspiration, build a website, start shouting from the rooftops more than whisper on the winds
i been a hermit of sorts for a long time now ...
getting over my mythic issues with rejection
from-and-to The World,
a feeling of exile and destiny
in some ancient war being waged by mortal mind ...
seeking to un-mask the madness, now made utterly manifest
and un-deniably visible by the covid conumdrum
an invisible enemy
lying beneath the surface tensions
"face the truth" / "mask the truth"
alien ideas implanted and being un-earthed,
subconscious memories rising with the Tide,
riding the-motions of turmoil
like i say, I'm gob-smacked
alien nation alienating real-life
beliefs are the nails of our coffins
stratasphere of the mental realms
stratas of fears layered like a chemtrailed sky
the colors of the rain bows separating
the Red at war with the Violet
swing-voters in between
i'm fighting my way out of my own plastic-bag
we're all guily of consuming The Lie
just another sweet-wrapper in the street
just another gift-wrapped-consumer
lost at sea in the ocean of humanity
the mortal mind, groomed at school
generations of iterations of The Lie
snakes in the grasses
the temptations of technologies Apple
mythology is the oldest of languages
we are Adam and Eve still
exiled and out-numbered
by shadows that peak the darkness
seeping through the corners of our eyes
nano-scale invisible enemy
an energy that seeks the vulnerable
and whispers paranoia in our ears
Life constrained by fears
I'm cosmic
an exile from mundane Society
attempting to Live in sobriety
attempting to not-live in The Lie
Over-thinking over-standing over-tones
Oberon over-lighting the Dream-time
floating through the Veils
waiting in ambush
feeling that these "things" must be felt
Humanity must question its wealth
Humanity must question its health
Hopes and fears - each tied to the "future" tense
pushed by the "past"
The Mortal-Mind exiled from "The Moment"
The dream-time at odds with the Waking-World
The insanity of vanity in the Mirror-Worlds
We took for granted
We take for granted
limited-freedom - a conformity of opposites
an inner and an outer "world" mis-matching
Limited understanding of Mind-controlled
The ever-expanding MinD of potential
is yet limited by itself
layered in Veils of reality
choose sides
or else
W hole
self-limiting thought-forms
bubbles of awareness
conflicting concepts
erroneous solutions
deathly conclusions
afraid to admit the errors
Like Adam and Eve we've
lost our innocence
our inner-sense
yet -
"only the Lost can ever-be Found"
Make-Up - your own MinD
Wake Up
Make-up - artists
Wake Up
Make-Up - rekindle friendships
Wake Up
Make-Up - reach out and let in
Wake Up
Make-Up - and remember
Wake Up
Make-Up - for give our innocence
A mask is a personality-self-portrait
A representation where inner meets outer skin
But in Truth what does a "medical mask"
re-pre-sent to you ?