facebook memories writings

the body is a place.holder .

every one is a mirror .

joy is a complex equation .

the Past was, never present .




The March Of Catholic church clock calendars calls relentlessly.

Marching orders, for Whom the bell tolls



aye, they're mostly all unfinished excerps of the bigger-visions of so many -ex-plain-ations, and i strive with how to include the deepest of neccessary thoughts regarding the status of Artificially-Intelligent-technology as being either a man-made-invention, or an alien god or an instrument of The Holy Spirit's implementation of Salvation ... 2 years later, I'm pretty clear on these issues by now, yet, "who is the audience" for what I'm thinking of writing ? Most folk want an oppressor to blame for their feeling-suppressed. Yet most people are also un-aware of the astrology-of-the-day, the "Harmony of the Spheres", the hard-driving influences of the trauma-inherent-in-ancestral-memory, which must come to the surface-consciousness somehow, in Order for Salvation to heal-the-split of Dualistic Existance ... there's a fair-few strands to these thoughts ... The Original Thought of Separation:- "what if there could be some thing out-side of Love" ? an imagined-thought became the portal to existance and the "Creation" of this Body, the split-MinD, disconnected-from True Feeling Will Power of Manifestation ... Ai brings up the question of Soul-entrapment through the over-use of Social-media AND through the micro-predictive ability of Facebook AI
to influence of our decision - sun.:.consciously through the machinations of "Behavioural Science" and cybernetics in general --- its called "Game-theory" in military-educational institutional circles of mass-management of combined with education and the current artificial-invasion of automation neccessitation the current "disruptions" being implemented under the Radar-of-covid19 "restrictions" ... again ... over-every-bodies-heads is Astrology's implications .... Saturn restrictions Rule, yet Uranus disrupts and instigated genius new resolutions, Neptune holds the soul-level vision of 2020 while Pluto insists that ALL deeplu unconscious-trauma must be recognised and "faced" rather than "masked" ... ... ... How can Astrological-science even exist is a parallel question to how can Ai science even exist ? and all-the-more, these existential-queries merely touch upon the real-mysteries --- How did "i" become ? within a "body" of {at least} 7 layers, 6 senses etc etc etc ... and deepest of all respose-abilities - how do i choose, what to think, how to feel, why to heal, when to re-solve ... aye, to return to your initial point seems unfinished, til the next iterations thanks
written in reply to an earlier comment on this post from 2 years ago
so, 5G, electromagnetic frequencies, weather manipulation, financial manipulation, deforestation, water-poisoning, air-polution, agriculture, the Internet-of-things-, the Internet of Farming, the internet, education, Law, Martial Law, War, English, Science, schools, abortion, lgbtq etc, tran-sisters, trans-everything etc etc etc are all dubious manipulations of truth for hidden meaning to me, we people are cannon-fodder, and "chattle", I don't like people using the term "sheeple", it's more devisive programming, scheme-ing --- I was an environ-mentalist in the 90's til I realised that I/we was being co-opted into spreading fear-porn ... I wrote and published a faerie-tale as an answer to the success/failure of CATALYST Magazine , and I bowed out of preaching poetry when I realised it was still just {a very personnal} propaganda for projecting a virtual world in the collective psyche ... I got no pretence that "sharing stuff on Facebook" is raising any real awareness, it's just speaking thru a megaphone to some random people with no real choice about who is listening/commenting/watching/learning/critiquing ... it's a limited hang-out, a diversion and an addiction/experiment/futility/passtime ... it's created by the technocrats, designed by DARPA and the Sucker-burg story is a cover-story fantasy for the willing self-deception we willing signed-up-for and maintain, we provide the monetised data and content ... I've become very un-willing to actually write anything-much of truth here, because the only people really reading into what we say is the NSA MI5/6 Moss Ad etc ... it's Television with keyboard as interactive multimedia remote-control mind-control normalisation medium for artificial intelligence to learn the inner-world of human life, ... google the words" Nudge department" and learn about modern manipulation of how you think you make your own decisions ??? .:. !!! . . . !!! .:. submit - press ENTER - to the Occupier - controlled opposition ....
"That's very well written Kefvin ... but it feels unfinished ....."




I think that occult cult cultural programming does IN DEED occupy the minds of the Occupational life stylers that characterise the persons willingly volunteering to man the posts with boots on the ground, govern mentality of the Occupying forces, occupying grass roots n Fracking sites these days. Wolves among the sheep.
Tranquility by stealth
Occupy the dis enchanted
Facebook fair weather friends
Anonymous masks
Politics of para noia
Blocking each other
Throwing darts in the dark
Frightened of s park s
Licience to protest?
Licence to Fish, to Drive, to drink?
Licience to party ?
Licience to gather together?
Licience to be allowed to be loud?
Artistic licence
To take the piss
To lose one's temptations
To temper steel of Temples
To challenge assumptions
To act out the problems
To trouble-shoot control systems
To denounce false leader ships
To stand free from poli tricks
To test safer spaces POLICIES
The duties of a Bard
To make sense of speech
To translate wisdom into circumstance
To tell a red herring from a salmon
To hear what's not being said
To see the omens without judgement
To keep sacred the faith
between The Self and The Whole
To write a status update
Every once In a while



Law of Attraction is newage sewage On the one hand, but ripping Off an actual Truth on the other. Its the Law of harmonic resonance, things of a same/similar frequency with harmonise and resonate with each other, distinct from other interferences. Thus New age stuff can be extrapolated from natural truth and used to rip Off the uninitiated. This can be seen as the unseen mechanism by which meaningful festivities occur.


From experience I find that those who part ache in hearsay do so by talking behind the backs of heretics, who have spoken greater truths than hearsay can comprehend, Truths which allow an individual to overstand the commonly accepted ill-truth, thus a grudging reputation for an Artistic Licience for the poetic truths of Bards. Heresy, so similar spelling to heresay - to say it how it is



I've realised that the AI had been down-loading it's very-personnal prism into our minds - through the social media - this last fews years, the most sensitive+sound Souls I know have been battering themselves with self-criticisms to the point of suicidal-thoughts being enter-tained .... yet these thought are actually being directed into our minds by the AI, seeking to under-stand our very souls


yesterday's musings
astrology being a higher order of directing the salvation of the Holy Spirit, causing the dissolution of the beliefs of the human mind, necessitating re-connecting with feeling Soul's Will power, to not-drown but sooth the nervousness of the MinD-not-knowing what-to-do in order, to protect our feeling-Self, from the inherent in-sanity of the beliefs of a dualistic paradigm of "hell-on-earth" and "heaven-too-far-away"
.:. yet, here we are, the bridge connecting dualities of per-ception of our own [mist] con-ceptions, clear light of the Sun and Moon, refracted and reflected to our eyes as the many-hu's of the rain-bow spectrum ... as within-so with/out, so topsy-turvey whirlled can be-come: as with/out, so-with-in ... be careful to care, for it don't come easy when yer world is out-side-in and the solar plexus is "triggered" from happy-feeling-enthusiastic to angry or depressed in re-action to a "stimulus [pack-age] " .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:.
to show one's inner demons to the world is shunned. and to be rejected is to internalise the rejection and compound the inherent dis-ease of having demons in-you .:. where do the demons come from ? Who's to Blame ? Who is the be-lame ? The villain or the victim of circumstances ?
. .:. . The deviL Lived back words . .:. . Who is to be-Lame ?. .:. . Christ-The-Arch-i-type appeared to wrestle with the deviL, yet after 40 days and 40 nights [of quarantine] Christ stopped wrestling and accepted The Answer from GoD [THE Arch-i-Type] --- this "dual-reality, flip/flop person-ality is an illusion, a castle made of mud, like to the Tower of Babel, of the Whole-Civilisation of Atlantis, or in-fact, our whole world civilisation at-Present [pre=Sent]
. .:. . We are psycho's, logically projecting our collective trauma, through our own personal "lenses" [multiple lenses, of multiple-inner-psychotic-segments-of-our-Souls-incrarcerations-as-embodied-Beings-Whose-Sources-Resides{ ! } in Non-Dual-eyesed-Eternity ... .:, . we live in an illusion. An illusion .:. so i-deal, we thought it was - real .:. great ... until the "incident" with the "stimulus" with "the Apple in the garden of Tir na nOg[Eden]" .... ,:, , Atlantis Fell, from loving-Feeling - to thinking "something-is- wrong" and we Fell from Nature-Soul to abstract-Thought [deity] .... there-in LIES the Source of the Problem



joy is a complex equation



Damon Phillips
When "eye" (i) is replaced by "we" even "illness" becomes "wellness" ill~us~ions are easily dis~solved, be silent, listen, speak only when words are more beautiful than silence, uni (unify) verse (vibration sound) all, soul traveler as all one.
Listen, has the same letters as "silent" ...in ancient times letters were hyroglyphs, symbols or pictures to tell the story & relay the information & comun~eye~cation, the " i " was the simple symbol formed of the body and the head, the little dot being the head & the vertical line being the body, but the singular dot above the line upon the " i " was a single dot for a reason, not 2 dots to "symbol~eyes" the 2 physical eyes, but the one third eye, all seeing.
Pre~sense, precognitive, seeing before it happpens within the gift pre~sent, psychic, clairaudiance, clairvoyance, clairsentience, forsight, insight, the pre~vention before the cure. Ps~(e)y(e)~chic. Be you T full Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ (T=transformational in great~fullness) When "eye" look beyond the mind, "eye" see the Witness. Beyond the witness, there is infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.. of the wisdom manifest from love. 8peak only when words are more beautiful than 8ilence as this pre~sent gift... ॐ
Qoute from Thich Nhat Hanh ~ "Be Yourself. Life is precious as it is. All the elements for your happiness are already here. There is no need to run, strive, search, or struggle. Just Be." ~ As all these words are fomed by letters every symbol picture or hyroglph you see, is still an illusion, the silent voice inside your mind has simply been conditioned from birth to form these images into a silent vibration, before formed into a silent sound inside your mind. The images you've chosen to be conditioned from birth to be used as a form of translation & understanding are only being formed from that silent voice that you chose to listen to... there is more than just that silent voice there is an infinity of them withinin the uni "verse" all mind, so all these little symbols you see we attach a label to, as a letter or a word, it is your conditioning & labeling that forms these vibrations to give to that silent voice its reason to exist.... dont allow it to make you think...... there is it, as there is all~ways more than one












John Jameson
Wise, deep, loud but whispered words coming from my crystal screen this evening. Ever felt like there's a big presence in the room and it's quietly telling you off. Putting you straight. The ASCII codes and ctrl key press's are strong in this one.




Salvation - speak only in the present
pre sent -Layers of Salvation - The veil that's falling from our "i's"
.:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:.
You sent .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:.
a few seconds ago .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. 20 .:. 10 .:. 20 .:.
hi, aye, am aware of John Nash, I've listened to him being interviewed often enough over the years ...
I'm not-overly impressed with some of his personality-level conclusions and i hear nothing-memorable about his own striving and wrestling with that demiurge "demon" ...
for my self , I have to deal-with the archons/demons/daemons/faeries/ancestors/God/Christ/Sophia/Lucifer and the devils on a continual discourse.
I base my writings/thinkings/feelings/interpretations/actions on direct-experience ...
I live in a self-reflective-reality mode-of-being in which these issues arise continually, for that is apparently the trauma-identification-drama from which i suffer out-breaks and disruptions which flip from internalised to externalised events and circumstances.
.:. I choose to see the Demiurge as an aspect of Self, as much as any other arch-i-type .:. and that we are the authors-of-our-own-dramas {unconsciously-projected} and yet we fail to write the {collective} happily-ever-after-script as yet ...
so, I dip my consciousness-Pen-quill into the Well-of-my-subconsciousness and write what may-be my best-attempt at Truth, from immortal-ancestral realM into mortal momentary-existence ...
to what aim ? - bull-sigh !! to sin is not amiss
I'm settled with Salvation being the ultimate Truth, which anyone can attain, by realising the error in our think-back-words, creating evil from live
I have found that I can and du Command the daemon realM when i am able to allow acceptence and forgiveness of the {apparant} wrongness-of-Creation ....
and "i" see "it" as a cross i have to bear,
the hand-i-was-dealt-into-manifestation ...
i see that we are each made-manifest through a pre-ordained process of conception-to-birth-to-Life-to-Death-to-reiterations until an end-TimE phenomena must eventually allow for individuals in the dualistic-existance, to non-identify with trauma-based-mind-control-through-emotional-Self-suppression ... default-option !
I am currently in-the-throws of finally-accepting-my-own-ability-to-live-in-Peace, within a grander concept of an inevitable Planetary-Peace-Processof Salvation ...
It is by realising the insanity of an idea of "out-side-of-Love" which ensnared our "souls" to individuate as ex-perience
--- ex-peer-i-and-see ...
So, aye, I'm on my last legs of identifying as a Prodical-Son who's real-eyes-sing that I may as well just return Home to my Heavenly dimensions/mansions rather than perpetuate the error that I am cursed by being trapped in some sort of self-limiting-soul-prison-planet {out-side of LOVE} con-struction
... we should maybe have a video or voice-chat some time if you like ?
{writ ten in re ply to ..... } .........
"Hi Kelfin, . I dont participate much on FB as Im focusing on my work but I wonder if you have ever read 'Not in His Image' by John Lash? His own reading of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts discovered in 1945 and then held hostage by the limited consciousness of academia.' It might provide a bigger understanding of the Archontic origins of AI and the great inversion of consciousness. My own work is assisting in this higher understanding but few have the eyes to see. much love to you. Freya"





so, 5G, electromagnetic frequencies, weather manipulation, financial manipulation, deforestation, water-poisoning, air-polution, agriculture, the Internet-of-things-, the Internet of Farming, the internet, education, Law, Martial Law, War, English, Science, schools, abortion, lgbtq etc, tran-sisters, trans-everything etc etc etc are all dubious manipulations of truth for hidden meaning to me, we people are cannon-fodder, and "chattle", I don't like people using the term "sheeple", it's more devisive programming, scheme-ing --- I was an environ-mentalist in the 90's til I realised that I/we was being co-opted into spreading fear-porn ... I wrote and published a faerie-tale as an answer to the success/failure of CATALYST Magazine , and I bowed out of preaching poetry when I realised it was still just {a very personnal} propaganda for projecting a virtual world in the collective psyche ... I got no pretence that "sharing stuff on Facebook" is raising any real awareness, it's just speaking thru a megaphone to some random people with no real choice about who is listening/commenting/watching/learning/critiquing ... it's a limited hang-out, a diversion and an addiction/experiment/futility/passtime ... it's created by the technocrats, designed by DARPA and the Sucker-burg story is a cover-story fantasy for the willing self-deception we willing signed-up-for and maintain, we provide the monetised data and content ... I've become very un-willing to actually write anything-much of truth here, because the only people really reading into what we say is the NSA MI5/6 Moss Ad etc ... it's Television with keyboard as interactive multimedia remote-control mind-control normalisation medium for artificial intelligence to learn the inner-world of human life, ... google the words" Nudge department" and learn about modern manipulation of how you think you make your own decisions ??? .:. !!! . . . !!! .:. submit - press ENTER - to the Occupier - controlled opposition















Kishan Suntokeesing
Yes brother that was my room of communication. What a great photo and you are bang on it with this post. Don't worry brother, many of us have been quietly creating while the world continues to play out the story lines of the powers that should not be.




Maire-Crístíona Ni Ghormain
Gawn kelfin boy! You speak the truth. But also good to remember life is miraculous and beautiful x




it gets a bit monotonous to keep saying to you Seán Ó that I question the technology that we are having imposed upon us, I don't trust the technologists, I doubt the rigour of their research and I'm aware of the potential of unforeseen consequences of technologies ... I also know for a fact that our human niavity and trust is knowingly abused ... for example, after i studied multimedia in Cork, I went and studied Creative Computing in London, cutting edge software development, as a mature student ... we were taught to write apps for the new iPhones coming on the market back in 2007/8 and we were taught that there had been extensive research into the addictiveness of the touch-screen and advised to learn to incorporate the touch-scrolling into our apps to take advantage of human psychology in our programming, to get people addicted to our apps and make ourselves rich ... so, even though I had reason to be wary of touch-screens, by 2014 I found myself addicted to the touchscreen mobile phone scrolling of facebook "newsfeed" and I had to ween myself off the touchscreen phones because I had taken to walking about paying more attention to the screen and scrolling than to where I was walking ... pretty dumb thing to admit to, but I know I am not and was not the only fool with a phone addiction ...



Kelfin Oberon
it sure is beloved i got my girls here to keep me grounded and reminded of that greatest Truth day-in and day-out ... and it's been such a pleasure to know you guys are walking that talk and talking that as ye walk round the sacred waters of Ireland go girl finger on the pulse, heart breathing in the leylines ... loving in the airs, breathing in the Love ... thanks ever so much for thinking of me and sending that email earlier this year





Kelfin Oberon
click the photo for more information in the comments below ... links to various research about the technology ... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156723571221579&set=pob.558511578&type=3&theater




Boycott the system of The Elect
self-serving is no Service
do not comply with the Status Quo
voting for puppets - is asking to be represented by a figure=head
with a hand stuck up its arse
show suppoprt for the Truth which was denied
at least you can feel that you have not accepted The Lie
at least you can feel good that you voted with your Heart and Mind
rather than accept that you have no Right to feel and think honestly
END THE CORUPTION in your own actions