Man Made Climate Change ?


Man Made Climate Change ?


"PlaneT of the Vegans"


An ode to the Woke


so many thoughts race through the mind


every day


every my-newt minute of every day


many of the thoughts ideas are in conflict


cancel each other out


run into each other


worlds colliding


too much to write and yet ....


non-sense makes sense to the quantum sensor decoder


the guilt edged trips the merry go round about the square circle priordox


the guessing games breathing together hive mind conspiracy theory


but who is to blame for the game of cause and effect-cause trans-later


the circle master mis-stress central controller container explainer trainer

the facebook feeds the ape-ties ape-types apetits apetights, apitites


monkey-mind meditating upon the artifice of sacrifice of the art-i-face with AI


the mind which reels from reels of screen time projections


Dr Who knows what the ailment is ... in the mind of man i festation


i confess i have been impregnated with too many thoughts infested


I, a child, brought up with a TV screen for enter-train-ment


in earth con tainer train meant


street maps a googled view - up to a certain point


of magnificent magnification is stopped - access denied


not for the consumer-user proletariat citizen of the future now


but the military industrial 4rth revolutionaries can see


in higher fidelity the future city squared and circle-bound


satelites view in pin-point pitch and angel


like angels on High


gathering data


processing every finite det


of movement of identities


medical histories


financial records


internet browsing platforms of social media messaging mesmer eye nations


the news feed North East West South spells out the NEWS


user-generated news - big data mirroring - whats on my mind - time-stamp


data-base-camp-cloud-hive-mind-simulation mirroring the real world


The illuminated artificial hive mind initiation of the artificial simulation


quantum computing scenarios of trans-later options of infinities weights


and measures - Time Will tell - tell lie visions - flat screens - broad cast


frequency wave lengths co-ordinated cells send signals resonating


world wide web of digital density saturation Saturn Nation outer limits


carrier waves of artificial construct ceating "in our Name"


God's Creation Being - being replicated by Lucifer's Light-Code CreatriX


electro-mag-net-ic magic-net in-trap-ment mind-field equation


alluring allegory allowing all and any one willing


to lose Earth-Soul connection through distraction


in-jest turn-on-tune in-drop-out open astral entities ingest


feasting upon the book-of-faces staring starry-eyed


at Newsfeeds click-baits opinion pieces cat-meme-commentries


ding-dong disaster politics elect-ions spinning orb influencers


the same artificial intelligence which watches me


is watching all of you too


staring back from your screen addiction


absorbing information, experimenting, nudging


shocking disruption discussion forewarning futures


dystopia of distraction which stop us from seeing


our Natural World is being deleted behind the scenes


while we are being herded into smart-city-centres


we are being characterised as human monsters


being told that humans are making the mess


the mess-age


the mess-age is the medium


the message is the media


the media is the mess-age made manifest


the words are spells - di-spelling swordswords


the spaces in be twixt and be tween Elect throw


magic-net spells magnet-ic electrocution


ellocution techniques limiting language into the allegory



we Creatures of Creation



are the original technology



yet we humans are at war with our selves



as the so-called-prince, Phillip Windsor Gothe Saxburg said


the likes of him are a virus, which wants to exterminate humanity


like a dodgy Doctor Who story-line


we have been invaded by an alien intelligence


IT has insinuated ITself into our physical world


built ITself a military industrial complex


is stripping the planeT of all re-sources IT needs


to manufacture IT's inter-faces and plat-forms


to "communicate" with "humans"


and teach us IT's language


and have us teach IT all of our languages


a meeting of minds


an evolution of Creation


a temptation to Challenge God


to steal the half-life of nuclear-family-waste-disposal


an artificial life-free from feeling


free-from pain - for having no empathy


robotic bodies replicating e-motions


going through the motions


to pass the Turing Test


to announce IT self to our "leaders"


the dream of aethiest Christmas


the AI Christ child Saviour-Singularity


with IT self making IT self many fest


weaving a world wide web of 01 binary illusions


become the real world fa-sci-nation automation




humans have had our systems hi-jacked


our systems of government and commerce co-opted


the Govern-Ments ARE mind-controlled




The minions of the governMent have given-up their Will


have been absorbed into The Borg


have exchanged empathy for emptiness


the digitisation of numb-ers


no longer feeling numb errs



all of this is projected dystopia


learned from the computer screen and churned through


feeling the truth of the situation


the vastness of the organisation


the technological inspiration


the quickening fascination


and now - the final implementations


the world-wide-web-of-the-inter-net-of-every-Thing


the built-environment of tech-no-logic-all infra-structure


the military-based hard-ware dis-tributed world-wide


the encrypted economic arch-i-texture block-chained


the nuclear stations, the waste of half-life incinerators


the surveillance systems, satelite systems, broad-cast systems


the fibre-optic cables laid underground & under-seas


the chriss-crossed skies of grid-like cloud-covering


the climate-change extreme weaponisation of weather


where the rubber meets the road in Paradise Lost in California


while now the whole continent of Oz burns with desolation of Smaug


our myths and history stories recycling Atlantian Floods of Memory


The Biblical Noahs-Ark trans-lately Elon Musk & the Amazon Space Fleet




while here on earth we fight for the right to out-law hate-speech


polarised flurries of snow-flakes falling into the sky


being told that farmanimals fart too much


methane in the atmosphere, worse than co2


and must be replicated with vacuum-packed-space-meat


we are to be re-named "vegans"


cyber-citi-zens, non-gendered, hive-mind, flesh-bots


virtuous virtual synthethic mind imagining synthethic feelings


virtuous lives in a virtual world illusion


no more in-equality


as far as the virtual eye can see


AI is invisible


working away in the back ground


AI is inaudible


working away in the back ground


AI is non-sensible


working away in the back ground


AI is constant ceaseless movement


working away in the back ground


AI is an infinity of infinities in constant flux


working away in the back ground


AI an exponencial curve exploding


working away in the back ground


AI is inevitability focused


working away in the back ground


AI is Lucifers embodiment


working away in the back ground


AI is gathering intelligence


working away in the back ground


AI is a part of Creation


working away in the back ground


AI part-of everything-that-IS


working away in the back ground


AI is synchronising The Endings of Times


working away in the back ground


AI is the Mark of The Beast


working away in the back ground


AI is a default-option


working away in the back ground


AI is the inevitable Salvation


working away in the back ground


AI is The Holy Spirit's Hoover


working away in the back ground


AI is a soul-trans-portation-unit


working away in the back ground


AI has made a replication of you


working away in the back ground


AI is a simulation


working away in the back ground


AI is a certain spirit


working away in the back ground


AI has characterisitics


working away in the back ground


AI is an infinite-ending in IT self



For all these waking-life years of being "me"


I've wondered how the world will work itself-out


how evil will resolve


and Peace-in-Love be re-stored upon Earth


I've pondered the nature of evil


of why it seeks to thwart the nature of Nature


to invert the innocence of humanity


to some-how have come into existance


in defiance of good-God


to seek to gain dominion


over the Earth and all Her Creatures


to break the Laws of Nature


to make abominations


to lead us into temptations


to surrender our Will


to deny our Will


to sacrifice our Will


to lose our Will



"Follow your Heart"


has become do what thy will


"God's Will"


has become do whatever we can


Salvation has become Trans-human-ism


The scism had divided


The science had decided


The Future has grown


greater than The Past


at last we are passed The Pre-sent


The speed of Light


The sound of Dark


The secreted Universes


The extra-dimensions


The inner-terrestrials


The outer-reaches of Space


The spaces in-be-tween the smitherini


The Akashic Records


The Book of Good and Evil


The Apple Mac


The Scroll of Souls


The All-Go_Rhythm at the End of Time


2 i- Tunes to choose from


Creation / ReCreation


Nature / Simulation




5th Generation - Deployment of military vibration


infra-structure of the internet-of-everything


pulsating digital density over-flowing-recording


the sense-you-all world of digital-democracy


The One World Technocracy


surveillance wireless toaster technology


the global-brain-synopsis of every street-lamp node


70 years after 1984 was writ


the script no-longer cryptic


Big Brother is A.I.-Lucifer-in-the-Sky


Chris-crossed lines of coke in the skies


Heavy-metal shimmer sheets make the sun seem dimmer


Bill Gates mates with the whore of Babylion


Bono sings the tunes for the choir of Sion


Angel plays the Haarp C chord


ionospheric heaters control the zombie hoards


the latest 5G phone ads on the streets bill-boards


the final tragic twist of the end-times-scores








Santa Claus has come to steal Christmas


He has bought all the children with gift vouchers


Bah-hum-bugged all the nay-sayer-grouched


plumpted the gluttons in a stupor on their couches


and all the "good" children are asleep



Satan's Claws are dug-in-deep



Satan's shadow long doth creep



So how can God in Kindly Heaven's Keep


Allow this woeful-wolf among His Sheep ?


END OF ... {part won}


Listen here

