astro Logical awareness 2020 visions

To answer your question .:. ... .. .. feel free
well yeah, i guess so ... .:. .. .. .. .. ... to SHARE
I've had a natural understanding of astrology and
all things cosmic since i was a teenager,
but been listening to the best astrologers i can find
for these past few months ...
this year is unlike any year ever before,
with sooo many complex series of alignments
and aspects and angles going on continually ...
"normally" astrology and Life doesn't have an "end" as such,
yet this Life and The Mainifestation that's called
"Creation" has gotten to this point of ultimate
kinda complexity where we got "climate-change",
world-poverty, one-world-government, pollution and now,
a robotisation of humanity and the replication-of-Nature
by the 4rth Industrial Revolution-ists and trans-humanists ...
so for quite a little while its been becoming apparent
that things can't go much further with "evolution"
before we humans reach some sort of Maximum expanse
of entropy and somehow our "world's" gotta collapse in on itself ...
... so we've had school-strikes and X-tinction Rebellion
with Greta Thunberg and all the Green-new-Deal-ers
coming to market a Brand-new-Solution to do with
Carbon-taxes and a "Total Disruption of Society"
hitting the head-lines last year --
all top-down enviro-MENTAL-ism being directed
by THINK-tanks and the United Nations and
the World ECONOMIC Forum rushing aHEAD
to impleMENT Agenda 2030 -
the full control of ENERGY production and use world-wide,
while not-at-all questioning or admitting that the
technologists, the Queen's royal-families and Bill Gates
and Jeff Bezo's and the Rothschilds etc are the "driving-Forces"
behind the military [4th] industrial complex's that are behind
all this complexity-theory and gaming theory -
which control the changing-images-of-man concepts
which have been psycho-logically entraining a
global-hive-mind of Artificial-intelligence to spend
every-waking moment dependant
upon the automation of Creation ....
All these things mentioned above and so-much-more
has been coming-to-a-HEAD in the run-up-to COVID19,
which has made the world-wide implementation of
.:. "LOCK_DOWN" quarenteen {etimologically=quart=4th} ....
through the WHO and the World-Economic-Forum
and the UN {on the surface of the internet-of-things
and the roll-out of "5G" technologies.} ... ... ...
but in the back-ground is alchemy and the
sub-conscious direction of Aeons
of past-lives-trauma-coming-to-the-surface
and into "conscious-reality" in this year ...
this year culminates in the Natural-World as "winter-solstice",
where Nature sits still for 3 days
before rebirth into the "new year",
and then the man-made artificial calendar-months
culminating in "new years day" and 1.1.2021,
which is patently a throw-back
to non-sense-out-of-kilter-with-Natural cycles and seasons.
... ... ...
astrology is a different kind of "Science",
based on the psycho-spirit-u-all journey of Humanity
towards self-realisation or "Know-Thy-Self"
and the year 2020 has been loooong-anticipated
by astrologers as a crux-point of complexity and
the resolution of all the human hopes and fears
... ... ...
culminating in the jupiter/saturn conjunction
on winter solstice, with a total-eclipse-of-the-Sun
... ... ...
and then 10 days later
moving into the Sign of Aquarius,
officially agreed upon as the proper beginning
of the Age of Aquarius -
the "inner-Revolution"
which kicked-off in the summer-of-Love 1967 ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
earlier this year,
various Originie-Peoples / Native Indigenous Peoples
began to communicate, that their prophesies
and Spirit-guides have been indicating that
winter-solstice this year IS IN DEED the culmination
and end of "history" and of "time", of "past" ...
they essentially say that Mother-Earth
and The Creator/CreatriX of Life have set a limit
of exponential-expansion of the human-mental-world,
that the parts of humanity and Soul-level entities
which have been mining, and sucking the oil and
every other material out of the Earth and
Alchemically transforming into raw-power
that they Direct towards their elitists and
un-feeling goals of trans-humanism and
science-fiction-space-race objectives,
while the masses of humanity as well as
all of Nature get "farmed" and micro-managed
as consumer-products and products of consumer-isms,
while all the religions conspire to create
a One World Religion,
a kind-of Catholic {universal}
New-Age New World-Order
.... ... ...
the Originie Peoples say that what's really happening is that
there are 2 Primary frequency resonances on the planet
and in Creation,
1 is Natural Earth Mother resonance,
the OTHER is man-made-un-natural-industrial
artificial frequencies ...
they say that these 2 frequency resonances become
more and more dissociated as this year culminates
and become distinct and separate
... ... ...
the Wheat and Chaff being sieved by Christ,
as an esoteric way of my describing the process ...
now ...
every one has the Choice,
as to whether they wanna go along with being Ruled
and Measured by "The System" of government and
economics and "Rule of Force"
- which IS the military-reality of governments
all around the World, ...
or be guided by their inner-connection to
Nature and Soul and Creator
{with the intercession of the Holy Spirit, if you Will},
which brings about Salvation and the End of Time
.. ... ...
What is out of alignment,
is coming back into alignment this year
... ... ...
to bring this explanation back-down-to-earth,
into body and "normal-comprehension" -
people have the Choice to follow
either the Government "Guidelines"
{laws, rules, morals, dogmas}
or to follow one's own in-tuition
and act accordingly ...
and particularily "this all hangs in the balance TODAY,
in the LIBRA NEW MOON alignment
of the planets in the backdrop of the Stars
and their constellations" -
a far-bigger picture which far out-weighs the schemes
of mortal men and the machinations of the
demi-urge/devil/anti-Christ/CERN/AI/World-Elite or
what ever other form of deception which our
dualistic out-look has produced during the
manifestation of what's called "linear-Time"
.. ... ...
there is im-balance between all polarities,
these are the 2 resonances becoming distinct,
the mask-wearing-persona versus
the revelation-of-soul-Love ...
we each create our own reality,
{in our own im-age},
within the boundaries of our conditions and circumstances ...
we are either Willing to manifest further-control-measures
we are Willing to face-our-own-Souls and
seek Salvation - by whatever name or belief
we give to this process of
"awakening" from sub-conscious-sleep"
... ... ...
in my own awareness/story-telling capacity,
I realised that last Halloween, 31/10/2019
when the Veils-between-the-Worlds are thinnest
[6 weeks before winter solstice
{20,12, twentieth of december}] ...
the Veil of separation came-down,
BUT, our ancestors {the faeries}
did NOT raise the Veil on the following Day
as per usual, on All Souls Day,
and so we have had a "crazy" year,
where normal has been obliterated
and the conscious-Mind is collapsing-in-on-IT's elf .:.
.:.   this new moon [TODAY] is full of oppositions
between the various planets and symbolises the
neccessary re-Solutions of our inner-outer dichotomies
and paradox's ...
this alignment is all about feeling and
about relationships between the internal and external
the very Nature of Duality ITself ...
the new-moon will grow to full moon
on Halloween, a blue moon -
again a co-incidence that
an astrological physical alignment
co-incides with a defunct-non-sense emperial "calander" ...
the 2 worlds co-incide and yet are utterly distinct ....
ask more if ye wanna know more ...
thanks for "spending the time" reading this
go raibh mile mhait agaibh
for more information see earlier recordings ...
Irish indigenous fullfillment of {old testement times} prophesy
again, feel free to ask questions
please share on your social media pages and groups

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