my sonic radar

Lots of stuff goes over the Head
but often I hear on my sonic radar
I'm like a Ham-radio guy
on the astral planes
soaring high with The Angels
I-car-us flying close with The Son
Listening with The MInd of GoD
Feeling The Will of GoD
Helping read-de-signs of Holy Spirit
interpreting the Destiny of Salvation.
As a human, I came, in part, to under-stand
the concept of Soul-Fragmentation
due to Ex-periences of extreme Trauma
where the conflicts inherent in Duality
rent-apart the marriage of opposites
the male-female parents
the invader-defender
the victim-perpe-traitor
the rapist and the raped
The torturer and the tortured
Wisdom suggests in my inner ear
that a Soul can be split in twain by pain
and the next lifetime, that soul has to
in-habit 2 bodies,
because the split has become so very distinct
so very incompatible
and because Trauma resurfaces
time and again,
through many generations of life-times
an example could be .:.
1 Soul splits in half successively
for {example} 8 generations
and becomes separated into
256 soul-fragments,
each its with own-bodysuit
{8 generations ago,
genocide against indigenous Peoples
reached epidemic-levels of extermination}
What is the Image of Salvation
held-fast in the MinD of The Holy Spirit
which solves ALL of the faulty-resolutions
made up in the egoic-mind of Man ?
Each incarnation and its Soul has choice
though the Choice is pre-set to de-fault
We have The Choice to listen to The Voice.
We have The Choice, to discern between polarities.
The Conception of The Holy Spirit is Whole.
Over-Arching every thing and "every One"
T here is Only-One Whole Holy Spirit ... : ...
"Jesus" Christed, was a homeopathic Remedy
De signed in the MinD of The Holy Spirit .:.
"Christ" did not begin with "jesus"
Christ IS the glue which Holds -
Which keeps The Grand Cross Axis
As B old as Love
Christ in-vented {breath} the anti-Christ
"Christ"-concept and "anti-Christ"-concept are
"One" and "The Same"
Logos Logic Logarhythmic All-go-Rhythms
"by definition - Rhythm generally means a "movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions". This general meaning of regular recurrence or pattern in time can apply to a wide variety of cyclical natural phenomena having a periodicity or frequency of anything from microseconds to several seconds; to several minutes or hours, or, at the most extreme, even over many years."
What most have learned from "The Masses" is upside-down
The Pope is the Head of the Cormmercial Code {UCC}
The position is of the Vicar Of Christ
The position of the Pope is to Occupy
to occupy The Throne of God on Earth
in the mean-Time since Anno Domini began
until the 2nd Coming, of Christs' ReTurn
Who Will bring the Angels Down-to-Earth
as an invading army of Light - weilding Rapture !!
Angels will fight devils !!!! !!!! humans will perish
souls will be destroyed, evil will be routed,
The Devil/Lucifer {etc} will be cast-out {etc etc} !!
The "Elect" will cheer themselves on
with cacophanies of self-congradulations.
All those who did not profess their Faith in the Inquizitions
will be punished with Eternity in Hell-Fires !!!
IN Truth - as i perceive it in my MinD these days -
We are now, collectively, "Living in a Purhatory"
Our {collective} Mind is over-brimming with I'mages
The Cup {of Dagda?} is Over-Flowing ...
The Over-Flowing Urn, held in the Arms of Aquarius
Aquarius, The Water Carrior,
The {Zodiac} Sign of The Christ of The Heavens {?}
The Cosntellation of Stars that re-pre-sense A New Age
Ruled by Uranus, shocking son of Saturn {?}
The futuristic god of technology and telepathy
"Your ego" is not your Ego
not anymore than "your face-book"
The is only one Facebook
and you are given an interface to use it
but IT is not "yours" to possess
There is ONLY 1 "Ego"
and IT is an operating-system in Christs MinD
There is only ONE MinD
If you were feeling lost-for-knowledge
these days of coVid con-throw-versies
This Logic whispered through The Logos
may bring Clarity of MinD with / in The Heart
All Roads Lead to Capital cities !!
Home is where The Hearth is ...
burning bright, with Fire, Light
There are many "flames", but only 1 fire
These are many breaths, but only 1 Atmos-fear
The World .:. is whirrling quickly now
Is this Heave N ?

Is this Hell O ?

Is this Purge-Time of Purgatory ?