as far as I can see from looking long over the last 2 years, it's not just 5G on its own, it's 5G along with all the other technology that it supports, and its the Artificial Intelligence and the power of persausion of the Social Media, the trance-like state of our mental-health as a result of ten years of "living a 2nd life online" .
{I'll put the research links in the comments below this post}
{I've found that putting the research with a photo is a way of being able to not-lose useful information in Facebooks {information-overload} newsfeed format {gold-fish memory} so that you can find information worth saving to reference later}
We go on the internet to try to find stuff that will help us improve our lives, that's the evolutionary hook-into our deep psychology. What we find is a mine-field of algorhythms that out-smart us. while we search for meaningful information, we simultaneosly get re-wired in how we perceive the world. Our mind is formatted by the medium of Social Media ... the Medium is the Mess-age, the Medium is the Screen, the Medium is the "User-inter-face", the Medium is the "touch-screen" and the key-board {re-enforcing the message, the "keys" to Knowledge are at you finger-tips, the world is in your mind, the Mind is in The Cloud, The Amazon is no longer really a real place on Earth, it's a delivery System that "lives" in the Cloud and gives me what I want, the Prime Diety, owned by the "richest man on the planet", the man who owns the "Cloud", the trans-humanists's poster-boy who has a $600,000,000 contract with the US DEpartment of Defence for "Cloud Services". The trans-humanists, whose pet-project is to establish "human" colonies on the planet Mars, who are the user-interface-friendly and successful public-faces of Tesla and Amazon and Facebook and PayPal and Spotify and Google, who are all shop-fronts for the Research and Development departments of the US section of the Military-Industrial-Financial-Complex.
... from looking into the research and development of AI, the military roll-out of machines that talk to machines, chip-to-chip, with-in the 5G enabled world ... this saturation of 1's + 0's constantly pulsing is a "DIGITAL SATURATION", in our homes, on our streets, and within 2 to 3 years, all over the rural countryside ... "IN-FORMATION" beaming up and down and all around, from fibre-optic buried in the ground, to satalites in low-orbit - if you visualise it in your mind, it's a saturation of invisible pulses, each carrying digital information ... there's a half-life "digital self" that lives on-line, but symbiotically lives in our MinD and in the chemical equations of our brains, in the AI quantum and binary energy fields and we are becoming entrained to act like our digital selves because it is nudging how we think, how the chemicals in our brains are produced, mimicking the hunter-gatherer deep-mind reward-relearn-relay "circuitry" ... and the trans-humanists agenda is actually to have the populations live in the virtual world, the digital world, through digital decision-making, we are voluntarily turning to the AI to advise us - about the weather, about our children, about the government, our jobs, everything that we have become used to through our computers and their connection to the internet ... what to watch on Netflix, what to buy on Amazon, what to listen to on Spotify, what to look-out for on youtube, what to search for on Google, what to get the kids for christmas, what to imagine when we day-dream ... it's the IDEAS that we are being endeared to, all the way back to the "MAtrix" trilogy, back when we didn't even know about WiFi and smart phones etc etc ... the "CLOUD" computing, storing our memories in "the Cloud", which are actually dedicated "Data Centres", which are actually massive super computers, physical in the earth machinery that devour electricity to run and to keep their temperature cool . quantum computers that have to be kept as cold as outer space for them to function, which work out the correct question/input for the answer/output that is required ... block-chain that never forgets every decision that has been made ... Sustain-ability was a technical term, ecology is a financial term, climate-change is geo-engineering, peoples are human resources, the Earth is a host for alien intelligence to harness like a cancer breaking down the immune system of a healthy human ... it's not just a fear of population control, it is a technical accomplishment of a planetary-take-over, a sci-fi script so familiar that it's too crazy to believe, so un-believe-able that it's too crazy to explain without sounding like a nutter .... who-ever and how-ever and why-ever this technological task has been imagined to be made manifest, it is alien, an alien-nation, alienating us ... and it has no need to hurry, it only has to continue to groom us through our addictions ... through our convenience ... through our innocence as well as our guilt, through our religions as well as our reactions against religions ... it's not what i want to be writing, or wanting anyone to read, but it is what I see being created, behind the scenes, behind the screens ...
We are using, and being used by, technology which is the product of 100's of years of our being Subject to Rulers ...
WE are measured and controlled ruled over and rolled over.
There is a Word called Technocrat,
There is Ruler-Ship called Technocracy.
The ship crew are scientists, making manifest the wishes of Auto-crats, the descendants of God's Chosen People, the so-called Royal Families, the descendants of those who slaughtered our Native Ancestors.
The Artificial Intelligence the reality of which is new news to us average humans. We are only now, beginning to realise what has been planned for us, what our children have been destined to Inherit.
I am not enjoying to write any of this, to describe dystopia being revealed, to explain the existance of a Trans-human-Agenda.
All the more-so because the idea is alien to me. It alienates, creates a sense of alienation, alien-nation, the humans separate from the trans-humans.
It is not a simple thing to write or read. It is not a happy feeling.
Terra-forming the Planet - is not a phrase I am inventing, and its not science-fiction either. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, was not fiction, it was science and insider-knowledge. His brother Julien Huxley invented the word "trans-humanist". They are Eugenicists. The idea which trans-humans have been studiously working on for 100's of years and have come so close to completion that Beast is now being revealed, but in the midst of total-distraction, total division, total dis-illusionment, dis-empowerment, dystopia, ..... dddddddddddddddddddd ..........
The World coming through our screens describes a world so broken and complex and divided that its "better" and "safer" to stay inside and type and watch and read and play and buy on-line, mentally plugged-in-reaching-out. Screens have invaded our lives and there is constant in-formation - 2 way traffic, but driving us only 1 destination, a self-driving vehicle by analogy, where we think we are "just enjoying" a ride, but really we are "being taken" for a ride !
Find out for yourself, answer a few questions like who are "The Royal Society", the "Fabien Society", "The Law Society", what about the "Chatham House Rule" ?
"When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed."
Who are "Royal Institute of International Affairs"?
The problems we face with a New World Order are not theories about conspiracies that we can continue to discard as a waste of time ...
Stanford, Harvard and every other University in the world is doing the research, directed by the Elites who have inherited the reins that define the direction of the whole financial, political, industrial, miltary and scientific system which runs the world, since the midi-evil times through to today ... these are still the "Royal Families" of Europe, and the Banking institutions and LAW institutions which are universally centralised in the existence of the 3 "City States" known as The City of London, The Vatican City and Washington DC. ...
It is a difficult thing to have to conclude that the Power-Structures which have ever-more-rapidly evolved and developed over the past 500 years, have seen themselves as separate from the crowd, as more-evolved, as enlightened, as descended from the Divine, as Destined to Rule, as God's Chosen People.
... They have successfully "waged" war against all Native Peoples of this planet over the past 500 years. We have been slaughtered all over the world, hunted and captured and stolen from our lands and clans, and been trans-ported to the cities as spoil and chattle. We have been caught like fish and sold at the markets, by the "Merchant Classes". Our children have been schooled {like fish} and civilised and indoctrinated to demand Wages and Rights and Priveledges and Citi-zen Ship and Nation-ality, and Pass-ports and an Identity Card, an address, a Social Security Number, an internet connection, a census form, a Vote and a Driving License, an email address, a bank account, a PayPal account, a Facebook, Twitter, Google and Government-Gateway account, and Pass-Words to Submit, Submit, Submit, ... proof of Identity ... A piece of Paper ... The Birth Certificate ... Which is actually A Copy of the Birth Certificate, which says at the very last line on the page - "THIS CERTIFICATE IS NOT EVIDENCE OF THE IDENTITY OF THE PERSON PRESENTING IT"
Somewhere there must be a place, a vault, which holds over 7 billion original certicificates of "live Birth", which is what our "personal indentity" is actually based upon. Possession is 9/10nths of THE LAW ... a black-magic/spiritual power-source generator of the entire SYSTEM.
What does Privacy really mean ?