I could do with some help these days

I could do with some support and help

at the moment

our van and car both needed tax, insurance and MOT

and it has cost us all of our savings to do

so we are pretty much hand to mouth

so, if there's any folks out there who'd

be will and able to send us a donation

by paypal - wiselands23@gmail.com

in exchange for all the media i've been creating

and sharing over the years

I'd be very grateful


I've been finding it very difficult to accept

that my work is worth anything

largely cos i'm only putting it on facebook

and that's a bit too lazy

and i am far too self-critical and idealistic

to simply "sell-out" by creating some sort of

pedestal-platform "influencer"

I admit its a Pride issue and a deadly sin


So, I'm finding myself forced to ask for help

and offer that I'm willing and able to set up

a consistant creative outpouring

as well as begin to collaborate again

in order to generate a movement-of-sorts

an energetic grounded resonnating valuable

body of work worthy of a following

and of some-where to go with it <3


I've been gearing myself up to write and create

for 3 hours everday and share my views

gladdened by all the encouragement I've received

but its quite tricky to kick-start oneself into a new routine

especially when that routines gets interupted

by the need to work manual labour money jobs


I've found a good niche these days though with

picking wilkes {which are little sea-shell-fish-slug-things}

which is handy money for 3 hours hunter-gathering

when the tide is far out to sea


I'm also deciding to make a move to Wales

and live closer to friends whom we can work with

and be much less removed from the world

as we have been in our Scotland home

for this last 6 years


i been putting these older posts on my website

I'm looking to become more disaplined and sustained in my writings and recordings, gathering them together on my own website, freed from depending on fb, as if it were trust-worthy

I'm gonna accept that the internet is here to stay and that an "on-line presense" is a choice rather than a convenience

and so I'm gonna finally embrace creating an "online community" of people who like to work with me, and manifest some common goals and asperations.


do please message me if you'd like to get involved

to what ever degree

scuse me that I've taken so many years

to get to this point of feeling trust enough

to fully open up

and engage with the World-at-large again


its been quite a deep-healing Journey

to be sure, to be sure and certain <3




Photo - "when i was young, I got picked by magic mushrooms"