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yep, I been having to realise that I been "channeling" spirits, often to a point of psychosis, because the "humans" get so scared of the energies and the intellect and the vastness of the leprechauns emotional range as well as their capacity for rage regarding the current incarnation of humans n aliens destructive "civilisation" ... 20 years ago I suddenly wrote a two-hour-long spoken-word rhyming-faerie-tale prophesy and preached the poetry around the British festival scenery for 3 years, enacting some pre-christianised Celtic Christ Conscious enCHANTment ... And I ended up in dead-realms more than modern-Society ever since ... Most folk I know who are similar to my psychology have been Sectioned, asylumed, but I keep only getting arrested ... Deposited in police-cells with thick walls and metal doors, to treasure my keep-safes from my heart center-Being ripped open ... Leprechauns ... Leper Shaun's ... Anyways, this year has been a massive break-through rather than broken-down for me in terms of accepting that the other Worlds are far more real than imaginary, and CoViD lockdowns have shown me clearly that the outside world of the mortal human mind is far more insane than the inside of my particular brain !!

Last summer, my inner leprechian-consciousness broke free from the limits of human I magi Nation's and made clear contact with the mermaid realms deepest in the Abyss and we channelled the memory of how and why "Atlantis" got drowned and of how the "human template" got Created in a bubble of Time-constraint in limitation ... Essentially, the faeries crafty intellect was creating ideas that were potentially out of alignment with True feeling, and the deep-Abyss mermaids picked up a telepathic paranoia that the airy faeries were up to no-good, particularly a prideful fear that mermaid princesses were being stolen away with the faeries ideas, tempted to toy with the flying faerie boys ... and in a reactionary wave of wrath, rose the waves of The Ocean, to strike down the Atlantis civilisation with such a Force that both realms suffered a psychosis of Split-personality ...

Faeries lost their wings and mermaids lost their Finn's in the Creation of their merged karmic connection, in the sub-merging of their sub-conscious desires.

Thus we became human, mortal, Veiled, with the Secret Power of True Creation hidden in the one place where the Fallen-un-conscious could and would never find it ... Inside our own Hearts ... In order to return to our original Form, we have had to re-member the whole cycle, return through The Ring and regain the consciousness of the wholeness of the "faerie kings and mermaid Queens" and for give our selves for our original innocence and our Original Trauma ... Duality itself ... Individualisation of soul level unity consciousness ... It's been a long long time since the Origin ... But we're finally coming round to circle the square, to bring whole soul back inside the Heart of Love at last ... A concept which is vast , magic and so unbelievable yet also undeniable ... What thinkith ye, oh mortal realm of my Facebook virtual reality avatars - is this verSion of reality any more "crazy" than the "futuristic" robot-reality-construct which ye be in-habit, in which ye are all locked-in and afraid of your own Shadows, so scared of "illness" that ye fear-to-live-free ... ?

The point of psychosis is non-duality, certainty, all-flow-in-a-oneness = magical = open channel = speak-in-tongues = high functioning intuitive = mamimum empathic ability = path logical thought process creating new-ancient neural pathways 😉

9 years ago, similar situation to today ... In filtration against the purest in tentions .... cheers and mutually so 🙂 there's a question of whether to walk away from Occupy cos its riddled with infill traitors, or start one's own that's somehow crystal clear and pure, where we can enjoy saving the World, with frustration of infiltration, where the like.minded and dedicated can freely share and put together the best of our talent and skill to get a mess age re solved and sorted. And there a good few who say st Paul's was like that at the start, until an agenda was revealed in the GA's. And some say that the newer sites were opened so that "Occupy" could diversify. At chucking out time at the Bank, we were told to take our dis grunt led ideas away and start our own space, that the professional squatters would open a building for us if we found one, and that's all very well to say. Some say Change the Name etc etc etc. Well, its a bit like saying: "go and make your own Facebook if you don't like the owners of this one". Or go and make your own London, your own country side, your own Rules . . .

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Kelfin Oberon
9 years ago, and in and out, of contact ... "but most of all i think its like Facebook. You don't have to use it? You can think its a facile waste of time, you can talk shite or speak poetry or simply watch and keep us with the news, you can keep your circle of friends close and careful or buzz like a butterfly. I've met a lot of good folk. And spoke. And some awoke. Some shared a good joke and some great smoke."

4 years ago
Kelfin Oberon
1t0Sgn prMarcfueheonsmomSre 2dgt0r1oS7 · Shared with Public
" Smoking mirrors crack
Individual inheritances
The sins of the fat her past onto the sons
Sew to speak,
Folk don't know what's being carried beneath the surface, what's caused the triggers, of violence n despair and disrepair ...
People have almost no memory, and peoples desktop 's are cluttered with misnumbered nonsense, people getting directed - end masse - to "research" so-called News ... Flooding the Net works, informing them selves, like fish in a fish-farm ...
Revel ations
Being revealed "

wee have a plan !
masked in humour
wee mean every word wee utter
wee utter nutters
whose up for an evolution of the notion of revolution
wee show "them"
what re-set means
faerie folk
reclaim da sacred spaces
in our own back yards
post it in ya facebook-revolution pages
and have a laugh
cos ye got ya selves wrapped in "woke"
cuckoo cocoons
mixed metaphor means
weaponised useless id iotas
if ya can't laugh at ya selves
don't laugh at others attempts
only ya selves can free your mind
"this generation needs saving from this generation"
that's The Rub
Track 18 - Glen o da D owns coming back up