conscious creative computing

This is a collaborative doc in Planetary Peace Process.Edit


Noticing concepts, brings them to life, as tools of understanding Creation.
Creative Practice Documentation some thoughts about the research...
Noticing concepts, brings them to life, as tools of understanding Creation.
Creating this exhibition is stimulating a deep immersion into the nature of my own consciousness. I take my self as an individual example of a modern human, and the contents of my conscious mind as the data to express. I encourage and direct my intelligence to study the processes by which humans communicate internally and how these processes inter-relate. I notice the co-relations between human and computer processes and conclude that we have created computer logic in the image of the logic processes which govern our own human intelligence.
I am investigating the co-relations between the evolutions of in-visible human and computerized communications systems. Through expressing our inner nature through technology, humans have created the world wide web, which facilitates outer expressions of inner desire to communicate instantly-anywhere, expressing an inherent truth of human spiritual practice.
Through an evolutionary process of harvesting the resources of Nature and developing civilization, modern ego is said to have grown separate from Mother Nature. Through studying Nature, we learn to recreate from inherent templates and in this way we discover more of the internal dynamics of in-visible forces which collude to manifest the whole universe of creation.
As I contemplate the contents of my thoughts, "I" connect my consciousness to a higher-mind aspect of soul intelligence and search through the morphogenic field of consciousness for relevant data with which to progress my thoughts and develop my ideas. Utilizing natural laws of harmonic resonant frequencies,searching for inspiration. Searching for memories, futures, concepts, soul-mates, strength, guidance, wisdom, ...
The analogy is the same for our development and use of the internet. An impulse desire to connect with information is received by a human, who then uses a search engine to give an approximation of what data is available and surfs to find !!!!!!!!
All is born of woman.
All is based on binary.
1 was born out of 0, just as Man is born of Woman and God has a Mother.
Zero is feminine, receptive, encompassing, negative and empty.
One is masculine, projective, pointed, positive and full.
From binary beginnings to infinite complexity, we humans are researching the Nature of knowledge.
We are delving into the details of divinity and the processes of Creation.
Ancient wisdom holds true intuitive awareness of processes which science is catching up with.
We have conquered the physical realm and find our selves faced with infinite mirrors.
Our consciousness is bursting at the seams and expanding the boundaries of comprehension.
Much knowledge that has been politically hidden from the public is becoming apparent.
Much that was in-visible is becoming apparent, measurable, tangible and communicative.
We live in a mesh of 3d flesh in the midst of a sea of electro magnetic frequencies.
Surely the mobile phone has made apparent to us humans that a physical shell can communicate invisibly with other entities beyond the apparent limitations of time and space. Few folk know what happens inside of their mobile phone, about all the zeros and ones that carry our messages and carry out our impulses. The thought of a friend who comes to mind, out of the blue, and then it turns out they have been thinking of you, and then you meet by chance and have a conversation, is oh so similar to text, email, Facebook etc as extensions of our innate urge to communicate and evolve. We are making mind manifest. Subtle investigation shows that we have many chakra energy centers in our bodies. Ancient wisdom teaches that we have 7 main chakras, connected to seven main bodies, vibrating an octave of frequency from base to crown. Each chakra has its own band width and energetic body characteristics. Most people are unaware of these subtleties, yet awareness is growing.
As our world faces up to apocalyptic fears of climatic, social and economic catastrophe, it is this awareness which fuels the inherent ability of life to achieve an evolutionary leap of faith. The information being beamed through the world wide mainstream media belies a cartel of vested interests and does not serve the whole truth. Selfish motives have thrived in the twilight transition through the Age of Pisces. As we cross over the threshold into the age of Aquarius, individuals are tuning in to some subtle inner intelligence source which calculates choice based on holistic global parameters, within a context of multi-dimensional realms of in-visible life-forms interacting through-out multi-verses of Creations infinite fields of Loves' expression.
we humans are filters for light to shine through and be colored
we run programs built of beliefs which open or close flip flop gates
our energy bodies are electro-magnetically charged
we process information and perform functions
our consciousness shines through the shell of our mind
the mind runs an operating system to function in life
the operating system runs sub programs based on beliefs
base beliefs are inherited from childhood local environments
free will, self awareness and the gathering of life experience
eventually evolves into recognition of personal patterns
and learning the art of being alive and loving life
With the understandings of these concepts comes an appreciation of continuous awareness of being conscious. Knowing how computers function helps me to acknowledge how "I" live.

Seeing how the development of technology is developing global consciousness, for example through the internet, we can more easily see how humanity, as a conscious whole, can develop an evolutionary model of communication and governance by mutual agreement, with which to re-solve problems of inter-actions with in planetary parameters.