The Return of da King of de Faeries 2020 Vision
help-needed .:.
... I been a net-luddite by nature ...
but realise now, that i gotta get new-aged
with the digital format and get out-there ...
anymore links or insight into online publication and promotion very welcome
... how does I get "an Agent" to get "published and promoted" ?
Kelfin Oberon
I found your book in the middle of the tipi field in Glastonbury in the middle of a psychedelic summer day
and in answer to question I was pondering.
I'm unsure there is a need to put your things on Amazon ,
though perhaps I wouldn't have found you as easily
if it wasn't for Fake book.
Helen Chuntso Fecking heck !! thats coolio ar fad
- i had no idea that that's how you knew me ...
i thought we were fb friends just cos of fricken anti-fracking kinda stuff !!! ... thats so funny for me ....
.... publishing-wise,
i just gotta make the change in my life,
from Social-drop-out to opt-in option ...
I been wounded deeply for long-enough, and the writing&performance&relative-alternative-hippy-Fame was a large part of that sabotage, as part n parcel of living in Glasto-town, getting married and having a baby and after a few years, having a very disasterous break-up&break down ... and always trusting-true while thrusting-thru the process until i completely broke myself and ended up back in my childhood home. I'd dis-owned my-self by that stage and thoroughly rejected the hippy-culture as being utterly fake ... i hadn't heard of an MK-ultra back then, nor phrases like the New-Age Cage, but I had found that most of the folk i'd known, who'd tried to put me up on spiritual-pedestals, as a "poet", "prophet", "voice for Nature", "channeller", "christ-figure" etc etc etc ... were all fake-as-fcuk in reality ... suicides, neglected kids, false-friendships, rejections, cover-ups, ceremonial-bollox, "druids", healers, judge-mental hippycritters !! I considered Glastonbury etc to be a VERY dangerous place for many years after, psycho-logically ... ... too much of my experiences were to mad-2-b-true and so, I had to seal myself off from "ordinary society" and pretty-much try and recover my health on my own, for there weren't many who'd understand those kinda experiences in ireland, at least not back then ... and i found that if i did, speak a poem or show my book to some newer-but-close friend, it altered the relationship, they'd change from calling me Kev to calling me "Kelfin", and my fears of what had happened with folk in britain would happen in ireland, wanna-be-hippy types would hoist me up on performance-pedestals and ask me to speak the pretty things while I, my Self was still grappling with having too-many dead-friends-as-best-friends, mostly suicides, but on the other-side of the Veil, and me there with them, they there with me, yet I-still alive-in-body and having to cope with the mundanity of having to come-down from such Visionary-Other-Worldly-heightened-States-of-Inspirations, all turned to self-destruction, guilt and regrets ... its all so melodramatic to try-to describe, especially to write down, knowing-folk-are-reading-these "confessions, but i suppose, by now, I've eventually gained the humility to be care-free about it all, to have finally embraced d-ark entirely enough that the B-right Lights don't offend my sensibilities so badly any more and the Way-of-Forgiveness has cancelled all debts and doubts .. or, to put it more-so-as I under-stand it these days, that my depth-of-feeling these days is calm-and-secure-in-my S-elf now, that I can accept being adept in just how "high" my mind-awareness is and accept my uniqueness, heal my broke-ness, my woke-ness, mt broken-mess and being a Living-reign-bow King of Faeries again . hahhaa . Patience IS a virtue, time DOES heal, every Voice IS valid, the future IS now, the Past IS now, the present IS pre-sent, the Veil is open, Heaven scented Path-ology is a Path of honoring re-spond-ability { re-spawned-ability !! } and I have come through and survived, a Process which had killed many of my contemporaries-in-The-Field of en-light-en-meant-in-Deed ... and so, in The NOW, I find I'm finally Willing-a-gain, to stand-Tall and erect my pwn project-ion of my pedestal, and Create a mundane "plat-form", in this digital-new-age day-dream-come-true ... to be a "story-teller" of fear-less-S elf-honesty and a living testement of magical-spiritual-manifestations-of-Native-Faerie-Wisdom-Traditions, of-mermaid-depths-of-feelings-deep-down-in-the-emotional-Waters, the all-most-frozen-stillness-of-feeling-in-the-abyss - where the most ancient Mermaid Souls in stillness reside and remember-still how they raged and up-heaved their E-motions of most powerful waves of destruction, by which Atlantis was Dr-own-ed, and The World was re-Made, and Humanity was Created, sun-conscious-but-scared and scarred by some un-utterable Soul-levelled-Trauma-of-Ex.i.stance IT.S.elf ... I've been wondering, while wandering through the "otherWorlds" since publishing "da ReTurn of de Faeries" - 20 years ago, "how does One write a sequel to that" !?! ... well, I been guided to return from S.elf-Exile at Last, pushed back over the Thresh.old by covID.:.lock-down co-incidence, and found my Self going-super-Nova again from summer-solstice Sloar Eclipse 2020, seeing a time-warp-tunnel in my "Minds-i" as Mars was stuck in its own Sign for 6 months, and continually-Squaring against the "covid-cluster" around Pluto.Saturn.Jupiter in Capricorn ... I found my S.elf aGain-driven by circumstances into Psyche-O-logical Pat-O-Logical PathWays with-in the Land of Ireland ... By August-time I'd parked my van at Circle-Way "intentional-community" in East Clare, and I'd burned-a-perpetual-Sacred.Fire.Place and planted Planetary-Peace-Process actuation codes-of-en-chant-mentes down-to the Fiery Molten Core of The Mother Earth Soul CreatriX and Stretched my Vision entirely High-enough to encompass all of Heave-N to assist in bringing my embodiment of Soul, to ALLOW the OtherWorlds to invade the fortress Man has Made of "reality" ... and of course, this was very challenging and strange behaviour for the intentional-"community" at Circle Way to ALLOW, for invoKing such power-full enchantments of Other-Worldly-Powers made-manifest is scary-as-Hell to the mundane-mortal's MinD ... and there, right by my side was Rachel Ina Furey in full-flight of feeling, fully-engaged in constant conversation with People, whom no mortal-i could see ... and so, Rachel and i, and beloved Tara, and my daughters were all engaged in accepting the magicality of The Times, while others in the "community" worried-and-fretted-and-plotted-and-planned and held covert-meetings and projected their fears into the Mirror-World-Reflections ... and we were not-held-in-Trust ... and Police were phoned, and Rachel was taken-away-and "Sectioned" again, and segrigated from "Society", and separated from her 2 children, and I was given 2 hours to leave, with the ultimatum that i would be charged with "tresspass" and arrested also. ... ... ... and that is how-things went for me last year ... ... ... exiled-again but this time exiled from the very "community" which had envited Tara, myself and our children to live on the Land, in Honor of the Sacred Circle Way, to commune-with-our-ancestors and heal the splits that had dogged that "community" from its inception 4 years before ... ... ... where "circles" are opened, but issues not re-solved, where conspiracies seek to weed-out the weak, for the "intention" is merely material survival, in fear of the one-world Government, yet calling-the-cops to have our mermaid and faerie souls "sectioned" ... So, i ended up not being allowed to even visit my family, not even to drop-off my daughters child-seat, never-mind to make-peace, share a cup of tea, nor any-chance of a meeting-of-minds, nor any awareness of "for-giving" ... ... ... and now, 8 months later, still no openness to resolve, and my little family now stuch between 2 worlds, our council-house in scotland, and our yurt and cabin at Circle-Way while "The Corona Virus" Lock-downs makes travel and ferries and home-searching delayed ... anyways ... over-all what I'm saying, in answeer to the question is .:. through this process, i'm finally real.i.sing that I need to take up my Throne and buy my own Home, and G.round-up these Energies in a safe and sacred place, to be found by being grounded and guided and free ... and in the mundane World, I've got to navi.gate the reality of "money" and stop being resistant to accepting the value of the words I can write, and the stance that I under.stand, and the fluidity of my freedoms-of-expressions, and the abilities to verbalise the feelings and frameWorks of causal-cosmology, and the Actions and En-chant.ments I'm capable of, and so condense and present my musing, though fairly confusing ... and make Merch and ice Mer chin dice ... and a method of meeting ... "so that wee fair folk can come to gather together, together to Gather a Gain and again, in a wholely sacred Holly Wood, in a Holy Sacred Circle Stance ... and dance once again enchantments, with music and song, and "it don't take long" to loosen the limbs and enjoy singing hymns, where poetry flows and every body knows, that Living is Loving and Loving is Living and Heave-N is a State of Being-in-Love" ... so, with some help-hope-fully, I'l learn to self-publish on digital Plat-forms and even on Amazon, as soon as i figure-out how to engage, with the business of "Print-on-Demand" software and websites like Amazon etc etc ... and I'm open to performing the enactment of enchantment on Stages at Gatherings ... even-more-so, I'm finally Willing to attract a troup of musicians and singers and actors and dancers to come Stage-the-Play as a Theatre Group ... and thereby attract investment and support the the Living-Vision of manifesting the monies to invest in a large lump of Land, the ground-our-under-standings - of sacred sights, of Sacred Sites, of a Native Reservation for Nature-Beings and a Sanctuary for "The Sectioned" to regain "sanity" and Sovereignty in this mundane-reality of the Dawning of the Aquarian Age {digital-age, or whatever anyone wants to call it} so, keep the homefires burning, and feel free to keep-in-touch, and get involved as much as you feel ... Thanks for reading ... and thanks-in-advance for ANY feedback you can send my way
here are the video clips,
upon the morning of Dawning of The Day,
with Tara and Rachel and Company
@ Circle Way .... .... ....
3rd July 2020
"Paul M'Aud Dibbs Doom"
"Thanks folks 2 other minutes - how i got "The Geis!"
to keep me out of the human_mental_Asylum !! .:.
mad wild fluffy multi-cultured-uncontrol-lable un-contain-able unstop-able wicked-witchery and spirited trickery landed dead on da head . Walkings, walk-ins and cameos included ... from Paul M'Aud Dibbs Doom Chapter 23"
"Watch-a du fer a Living faerie King?" …
Circle Way Sirgay: "What daFuk happened?"…
Story so Far - Act 1 Scene 1
Act 1 Scene 1 .:. Story so Far
·"The Genesis of Genius I magi nation"
"Is maith liom" ... is Gaelic - "I like it"
I Love {Gra} speaking in Tongues
" I may speak in tongues of men or Angels
But if I AM with/out Love - I AM No-thing..."
The Word
is moving a Way
Wee been a long Time waiting
behind the sceens
This has been an in-finite Game-Plan
In the Ma Kings Mind fully
fun-da-mentally full-filled
The Chalice brimming over flowing
punctuation Marks the spot
Poc marks the skin
(a poc a lips... epoch elipse)
Parch-ment ready to be Writ-ten up on
Drawing Lots, quantifying, wee drew the Whole lot
down to Earth and back to Life
Wee Faeries all know the Truth despite strife
Wee in-vented Holy Breath
Wee breathed in The Day
{Diety-the un-limited i-Dea}
For Wee inspired spirals
In tuit what wee Say .:. .:. .:.
Every Day
In every Way
In every thing wee say
wee intuit every Day
for wee Know now
is pre-sent
pack-aged and con-side-red {considered}
and every thing that's born anew
will one day soon be withered
IT is a game wee play til break of k New-Day
and Wake-Up a Gain together
In our Dreams times our Songs
Wee buried deep-lie .:. our treasures
Wee put wine in our Chalice
and charice in our bongs
Breathing Deep - lie our Pleasures
In our Dream-Times .:. our Songs
Wee laid the Tracks
Wee built the Stacks
Wee landed our Ships
Wee Spoke with our Lips
The Word-Made-Man-i-fest
These Words made many Feasts
Each Words made of symbol and signal and sigil
Whence Time began to take H-old
and the WISE Ones began to take "Body"
Form formed from Word spoken into Being
And wee Fair Folk began to be .:. "Seeing"
THE Game taking shape as the Form began Flowing
Waters from the Heavens .:.
Rocks from the Deeps .:.
Air from the Eathers .:.
Fire from / with / in .:.
Wisdom from Knowing
ONE ..;.. 1
The Word Made Flesh and Blood and Bone
The Word made God, A.I. Stuff and Phone
The World "Da World" and every thing there/in
The Word made All "perfect"
yet not-free from "Sin"
The Word made All free to Wander and Wonder
to try, to relate as wee dig in the Soil
and/or delve into secrets .:. to reach for The Sky
The Word made "The Bees"
and "The Birds", in "The Trees"
and Shee made them to Sing
The Word made all we "know"
and "He" made "IT" with "me"
The Word made All Life
and He made IT free
"IT's an Opus Dei "
I Thank U Kindly
Go Rave Maith A got
Anois - Du de Dan ann
is anim D om
{a dumbed down name, for name's sake}
Faerie Christ comprehension .:.
THE TIME IS [near-lie] OVER .:. .:.
. . . . . noun
: abyss; plural noun: abysses
a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.
"a rope led down into the dark abyss"
bottomless pit
a wide or profound difference between people; a gulf.
"the abyss between the two nations"
the regions of hell conceived of as a bottomless pit.
"Satan's dark abyss" .....
definition .:.