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Da Return of de Faeries

This a faerietale first published in Glastonbury in year 2000 AD

A true-Life-Story -

a magic-all en-chant-meant

a prophesy and prayer for the Native Peoples

a healing wish for the faerie races to re-member

who wee are in Truth beneath,

above and beyond appearances beyond mortality,

to be,

fear-less passion-ate Adam's

apples in the garden of headon

Kelfin Oberon

Da Return of de Faeries ~ an epic work of Bardic Beauty ~ press Re~Lease
16 January 2014 at 23:39
First published, by the author, in 2000 AD
This is a faerie tale in the true sense of The Word
written entirely in rhythmic rhyme
De scribing the psycho~logic~all
journey of a modern~day human
coming to realise that the Inner~Truth
of One's own soul nature
is the innate wisdom
resting in the heart of every one
The english lan gauge is a spell
cast upon the native peoples
conquered by modern "civilisation"
re~placing our magic~all connection
to our Living Natural World
with a dependency
upon a monetary system
which is systematically destroying
the Sanctuary that is our Nature
Da Return of de Faeries is
a prophetic poetic publication
The faerie faith has survived suppression
and still beholds salvation as inherent
in every heart beat and breath of inspiration
drawn from our inheritance
the eternally internal well spring of Soul memory
It is a play on Words
where beauty is in the eye of the Bee Holder
re~minding us
to rem ember us
to see true
seeming social separation
and re~call re~cognition
and re~collection
of the Unity in CommUnity
This Faerie story sets the scene in Glastonbury
in Avalon
in Britain's ancient WISE isles
of saints n scholars
I reland
This is a love story
of finding true love with in
reflection of the Whole world
a round us
dissolving isolation os i~cycles of separation
" for now wee shining being of love
come descending from above
from with in
with out and for ever
wee come to gather together
forever together To Gather
to gather together for ever wee have come

to make our dreams come true

to re~create our world anew"

Click here to read from the book

and see the Spoken Word


feel free to get in touch if you feel to get in touch

 .:. ... thanks you for taking the time to read ... .:.


Here's a link to Steve's R. I. P. facebook page,

with photo's and lots of his art to view


Lan guage - the measure of the L and


the Meter of Poetry .:. en chant ing The Land


with resonant singing and free flowing feeling


Live-recording of Ri Enactment of

"The Innocense of Ri-Birth"

"The Return to Inner Sense"

Live-performance @ The Hill of Tara

Ireland ... Autumn Equinox, Sept 2020


more Videos here .:.


My fledgling website here .:.


and I Am available for bookings

for Performances

for Gatherings

for Work-shops

for Rituals

for Fire Ceremonies

and I AM OPEN for a chat,

anytime <3


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