.:. Resilience
real life stories .:. real grief
real need for friends and family
real need for real contact
real need for people to follow true feelings
real reasons to know the "government" failed
governments always fail
governments are corrupt
governments are bought and sold on the global market
governments have histories of cover-ups
governments have histories of deception
politicians are all un-trust-worthy - self-serving
the Irish government, overpaid, taking another payrise
the CDC are bumbling
civil-servants are brain-washed by salaries-for-life
doctors are educated-robots following orders
nurses are treated as servants, kept in-line. over-worked
time will tell, yet how long will we wait
to be released from imprisonment
imprisoned in our minds
controlled by drip drip drip in-formation
news-updates, unverified statistics
profit-driven marketing of "medical" vaccines
marketed as "trust the science"
Bill Gates is not qualified
he bought his pedestal
he is fronting a mind-control experiment
he is a strategic "mentat" ... mind-without-empathy
he is as object-orientated as a computer program
he has been programmed by computers
he had way-too-much "screen-time" as a child
His parents granted him nepotism as birth-right
Bill Gates has a God-complex
Bill Gates is a fanatic
"The majority" are manipulated by being blinded by science
"Science" knows the statistical success of "behavioural science"
combined with predictive-programming
combined with repetitive-messaging
computer-simulations are a form of voodoo magic
"reality" is being "staged",
covid has brought much of this manipulation
the "World Economic Forum" has openly planned
its 4th Industrial "Revolution" to coincide with
in Lock-Step
with The Gates Foundation,
the CDC and the UN agenda's 21 and 2030.
I am aware that even though i learned all this
from listening directly to Gates,
and to the WEF
and to UN talks and videos and promotions,
even so,
many will claim
that what i'm writing here
is "right wing-conspiracy-dis-information"
I am aware that the above statements inherently
come from a bias
which does NOT trust any government -
nor any individuals or corporations
which happen to "make a killing"
in order to make more money
from this or any other "opportunity" to expand
their markets and their profit margins
I am aware that "normal" was dysfunctional
I am aware that change is neccessary
I am aware that technology is an unknown future
I am aware that the WEF has been predicting
"total societal disruption" for 5 years now
I am aware that the WEF has been predicting
"10's of millions of jobs becoming obsolete"
I am aware that the WEF has been predicting
"universal basic income" world-wide
I am aware that the WEF has been predicting
digital currency being block-chained to digital ID
I am aware that the WEF has been predicting
one-world-governance through Artificial Intelligence
I am aware that the WEF has been predicting
"in the future you will own nothing, and be happy"
I am aware of the builderburger meetings
think-tanks, UN, WEF and other
non-government organisations
have a "Common Purpose"
I am aware that on-line activity is "Tracked and Traced"
since the inception of the internet & World-Wide-Web
I am resilient
I am independant
I am free
I am healthy
I am optimistic
I am cautious
I am wary
I am experienced
I am willing
I am praying
I am grounding
I am processing
I am Listening
I am evolving
I am imagining
I am questioning
I am friendly
I am honest
I am searching my depths
I am opening
I am travelling
I am communicating
I am brave
I can trust
I can Will
I can think
I can feel
I can intuit
I can wait
I can act
I can do
I can
I Will
be free
I have Agency
I am not-a-crowd
I am unique
I am humble
I am careful
I have intuitive guidance
I have faith in Nature
I have love for all humanity
I have compassion for all circumstances
I have inherent intelligence
I have discernment
I have the Gift of Life, to Live
I wish you Well
I wish you Peace
I wish you Love
I wish you good Health
I wish you good guidance
I wish your wishes come through as true
I advise any one to pray, for inspiration
Rules are measures
to judge is to measure
to discern is to measure
to take risks is to measure
rather than to be reckless
Take some time away from the screens and radios and newspapers
and neighbours-parrotting-the-same ...
and have a little walk
to a quiet space
and truly feel ...
allow your self to let-go
for a moment-out-of-time ...
to feel for a moment
and breathe
and release ...
and begin to relax
for a moment
and breathe deeper ...
and feel the anxiety ...
in the collective ...
Take some time to find your centre
and "meditate"
to meditate is simply
to "allow one Self to centre"
find your inner balance
... beyond mere reaction
let go of what you have been told
by "outside authorities"
allow your Self to hear your Self
Soul Self to Mortal Self
In all honesty
Peace is the Natural State of Being
"The State" does not give Peace
"The State" is a controlling entity
"The State" is an aethiest
"The State" is an "Entity"
"The State" is mental
"The State" is sanctioning destruction of Nature
"The State" ordered the "witch-hunts"
"The State" has outlawed "plant-medicines"
"The State" is unhealthy
"The State" is self-serving nepotistic
And yet, "The State" is an illusion
It cannot conquer the open heart
Time Will Tell ...
but you don't have to dishonor your own Will
because "The State" says you are not free
to visit your own family
in times of need
when close to suicide
or homicide
or crisis
feel free to follow your own measures
feel free to follow your own intuitions
feel free to follow your own instincts
feel free to follow your own standards
feel free to follow your own imagineering
feel free to follow your own "science"
feel free to follow your own "gut feelings"
feel free to flow in the stream of your own
for we were each Created in the image of our own
Soul manifestation
the "miracle of Life"
for the "miracle of Life"
can not be Ruled or controlled
by The State
nor the Scientists
nor the doctors/nurses/carers
Be the change you'd like to see in The World
Follow true feeling
flowing freely
"consider the lillies of the field"
seek ye first the Nature of Love within
for no-one can tell you what to do
unless you worship fear
rather than Live in Love
sorry for the ineptitude of my writings
thanks for reading thus far
scuse me for taking my own advice and being
willing to offer to share
the highest good i can conceptualise
concept you all eyes ... watching all around
take no anxious-thought for the morrow,
for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.
Each day's own evil is sufficient."
Trust in the open heart wisdom of children
for their innocence is truer than your adultery
Dictionary definition: .:. resilient .:.
1. Capable of returning to an original shape or position, as after having been compressed.
2. Able to recover readily, as from misfortune.