Patsy 16.March.21
a stranger thing
a royal at the Vigil turned pro-test
meant that colleagues of the man
accused of the woman's murder
must have been present at the Vigil
to protect the royal visit to the Vigil
I watched the 4-hour-long live stream video
and its very obvious
that the Vigil was hi-jacked by incitement
to hatred
against the rank-and-file officers
but the man accused
is not a rank-and-file policeman
he is a royal-protector
highly advanced procedure/procurement
process - tried and trusted
yet found-out so easily and quickly
compared to the yorkshire ripper
incitement to historical Terror
sub-conscious substitution
slight-of-hand subterfuge
scientists say that humans are 95% unconscious
in all their/our decision-making
driven by sub-conscious swaying-bias
so the art of Head-Lines
is the art of captivating {captive-activating}
the conscious into the sub-conscious
with signs and symbols of the psyche
the languages of dreams and nightmares
hopes and fears, fantasy and dis-traction
the rolling snow-ball effect of "media" exposure
The Princesses and the Paupers
Separate "Societies" - knife-through-waters
between the {head} lines
No M ask for The "Royals" mouth pieces
medi tate on Kate for a moment
and Patsy “After what happened today at #ClaphamCommon, I want to redirect focus away from the police & towards what actually happened. We need to be seen & heard. That’s why I’m calling for everyone to meet at 5pm on 15 March outside Parliament Sq” . . then cancelled it !!
The other biggest gestalt weirdness of the organised
take-over of the Vigil turned "protest"
is that the "speakers" weren't targeted, {arrested}
were allowed to cause the extended {intended}
dis ruption of the peacefullness and respect
which the 1000's of attendees attended with
the "human-microphone" call-and-repeat messages
were militant, inciteful and thuggish calls for
gathering troops for a war - a war of the sexes ?
All police were being branded murderers
All Cops Are Bastards ACAB sign
the ting is - that "the fury and rage and grief"
only lasted 90 minutes
and once the arrest-photo's had been achieved
the trouble-making disruptive forces disappeared
context is every thing . spin-dry-brain-washing machinery
control the narrative, create the "reality"
see for your selves .... .:. here's the whole livestreamed video ... Patsy in the frame, and all the context of the lead-up to "man-handling" ... it's 4 hours long, but main-events unfolding at 1.12.00 . 2.28.00 . 2.34.00 . 2.40.00 . 2.42.00 ... arrest-man-handling at 2.48.00 ... 3.04.20 - precisely-Patsy being escorted off the scene ... 2.56.30 . 2,58.00 ... starts peaceful and ends peaceful, with baited-chaos in between ... best download if you can, as the original reClaim da streeets livestream was made "private", though i don't know why ?
So @RTS has now become a viral hashtag
and ReclaimTheStreets gives street-cred to XR
as eXtinction Rebellion claims inheritance-taxi
on the back of Occupy, Climate Camp, UK-UnCut etc
as "legitimate protest" for the UN greater good
supporting The Agenda for Changes for the 21st Century
and Trans-formations of New_Normal for 2030
The 3-times repeated rhetoric of the "human-mike"
call and response-method
of "consensus-building" brain-washing
of dirty laundry, hung out to dry, in plane-sight
as night falls, with masks, but no social-distancing
a peaceful-Mass became a mindless-mob
re-directed by about 10 alfa-fe-males chanting
"sisters united will n ever be defeated" [crowd arrousal]
"we need to solicit your help" = mike-check [inter-action]
. [ "3 times" OK ]
"we have come here today
because of grief and anger
at the senseless muder
of Sarah Everard
We came here today
because after Sarah's disappearance
the police told women
to stay at home
this isn't the first time
almost 50 years ago
when another murderer
the yorkshire ripper
was attacking women
the police said
that the only way
for women to remain safe
was to stay at home
then and now
women say no
we will not be curfewed
time and again
the police have attempted to control us
the police have attempted to divide us
but we demand the right
not only to survive but to thrive
and that means going where we want
and when we want
we don't care if you're out at night partying
we don't care if you're out at night drinking
we don't care if you're out at night seeing your friends
we don't care if you're out at night sex-working
we don't care if you're gender-non-con-forming
no-one deserves to die for being out at night
applause - pause - drums - cheers - whistles - rhythm
there's more
many of us know
that surviving and thriving
means dis-obeying orders
and thats why many of us are here tonight
the police have tried to silence us
the police have tried to repress us
this is a sickening response
the man who has been charged with Sarah's murder
is a metropolitan police officer
a man who days earlier
was reported for indecent exposure
and was allowed to continue his duties
when we said we want to attend a vigil to remember Sarah Everard
when we want to resist a curfew
the police had the nerve to threaten us
the police have the nerve to intimidate us
we say no"
[applause cheers drum whistles commentry]
"the police tell us that we will only be safe
if we stay at home
and get more police on our streets
the perpetraitors are in our homes
the perpetraitors are on our streets
the perpetraitors are in the metro politan police
the police are trying to tell us to go home
and what do we say
[cheers, drums, whistles, who's streets, our streets]
SO TIE IT OFF NOW PLEASE MATE" ... 1 hour 45 min 50 sec
[hold men ... accountable] "sisters united"
it is our duty to fight for our freedom
it is our duty to win
we must love and support one another
we have nothing to loose but our chains
[rinse and repeat cycle / re-iteration]
The instructions apply to anger+frustration
about LOCKDOWN measures
are directed at a HeadLine about "womens curfew"
Double speaking "stay at home" mantra
[Staysafe, don't stay-at-home, protect the protest.]
led by the nose narratives, follow the leader .:.
what will this bring into effect ?
"i want to re-direct focus ... away from the police" patsy
you see, if you actually watch the footage.:.
the police acted perfectly reasonably
considering the circumstances
and apart from the Patsy photo's
with unusually precise and careful restraint
[rest train]
so, what was Patsy doing before being apprehended
she was calling out the word {man handling}
and then, it happened, with camera perfectly placed
with flood-light suddenly shining
directly upon her
these [organising, rabble-rousing] people showed
no respect for anyone or anything outside of their
specific directed raising of rage and anti-authority
non-socially-distancing legislation is problematic
they were politely and descretely man-splained
by the police officers, from 2 hours 2 mins
as becoming an "unlwaful gathering in the middle of a pandemic, and that is not a socially-distanced crowd, you are going to get more and more police officers coming up here, until you end the vigil and get everyone to go home, because there are too many people in one place ... it would really be respectful to end the vigil now" ... [commentary-1000's of people here now] "save our streets" chants
"let her speak" becomes "Fuck da Police" .
listen again ... sub-consciously .:.
"and that means going where we want
and when we want"
as if there is no such thing as Lock-Down
as if women all over britain and the world
are not being as careful as possible
to maintain and follow coVid guidelines
2.28.33 ... have a listen
as if these words are not an incitement against
the current social-fabric of the new-normal
{ and a year since lockdown was announced .:.
new normal no longer even needs "quotation marks" }
so, its a stranger coincidence that 2 hours 28 mins is the first "appearance" of Patsy in this Play
{as shakespeare might have said !}
"let her speak, let her speak, let her speak, let her speak, let her speak, let her speak, let her speak, let her speak, go home booooooooo" "shame on you"
There are so many layers to "reality"
so many constructs framing what we think, we see
so many agendas at play
but on one level, certainly
this event was an example
to the unconscious
that protest must be over-hauled
that policing must be over-hauled
that lock-down has been broken
that consensus has been changed
that womens rage can be ignited
that out-rage can be sagely/safely "handled"
that all-the-worlds are a Stage
that swaying "Public Opinion" is being man-aged
AS IF there is no lockdown
no social distancing
no caredul adherance to guide-lines
no mutual respect
no glue "holding Society together"
"let her speak"
"... and that means going where we want
and when we want
we don't care if you're out at night partying
we don't care if you're out at night drinking
we don't care if you're out at night seeing your friends ... "
no mutual respect
no glue "holding Society together"
and so ... [leave her alone]
when Patsy first steps into the lime light
"let her speak"
she gets given the micro-phone
and says .:.
"are we gonna leave and go home ?
no - [let us be]
are you sure ?
then the police should go home
they're not gonna be able to do anything
go home
i'm done with being bullied by police
[police go home]
[leave her alone]
they're man-handling people now
they pushed me earlier
they're man-handling them already"
[ coVid coVid coVid ] "go in that direction there"
["we all must join the protest"]
[go home]
[don't touch her]
[shame on you]
[her name was Sarah]
[say her name]
Patsy +3 in full focus
mike check ! repeat-after-me:
[3 times, escelating}
"it is our duty to fight for our freedom
it is our duty to win ... "
["who protects the rapisits?
police protect the rapists]
["say her name: Sarah Everard" ]
now, what i see going on here
unconsciously, subconsciously
is the trans-ference of energy and focus
from Sarah-Everard {victim of police-brutality}
to Patsy Stevenson {victim of police-brutality}
in the role-play drama dimensions
of the collective psyche
and mixed with the recent stirrings
of non-Princess Merkle and Princess Di-Anna
and the poor-boy abandoned non-Prince Harold
civil servants
TikTok dancing at-the-Cross-roads
emergency services emerging
satelites and zooming drones
street lighting 5G furniture
The Eye of the Py Ra Mi D
The All Seeing Eye of technocracy
The Age of Ai - All-Seeing-Eye
The all seeing "i" of the Singularity
here's a strange list i think should
be compiled ab out B ill G ates
B ill Gate owns / invests / patents:
Microsoft operating system code-patent
CORE education
health passport technology
World Health Organisation
World Media News Networks
Genetic engineering technology
Vaccination technology
various virus-strains
genetic-engineered seed stocks
non-genetically engineered seed stocks
dim-the-Sun technology to combat global-warming
[please add more to the list through the comments, cos there's loads more to list]
My over-all comment on what's-going-on-these-days is
that our world is being trans-formed around us
quite covertly and dishonestly
my only advice really, is to be aware of the drama
that you may be getting sucked into
and overly-identifying-with
through mass-media-hypnosis-techniques
while super-conscious Ai algorhythms
grow more powerfully-influential
at weighing and swaying our collective bias
to God-knows-not where ?