process a "choice" in having free-Will

perhaps because all these underlying fears have been building up for countless generations and,

as God is Good, as Christ is an architype of miracle-healing, and as many see these days as being

an end-times pinnacle-time of great-change, perhaps these sub-conscious fears are finally rising

to the surface-consciousness, no longer so-heavily sub-consciously-suppressed by avoidance,

denial, terror, preference or "othering" ... perhaps the neccessity here is for each individual to

face-their-own-fears and process a "choice" in having free-Will, and "choice" in whether that

Will aligns in Divine ways or selfish ways ... there are infinite amounts and levels of dis-comfort

which people have put on the long-finger in pursuit of selfish i-deals ... and while on the material

-egoic-level it is blatently true that the 4th Industrial Revolution has planned to disrupt every aspect

of Society, perhaps it is equally true that the "elites" are being-led-by-the-nose, downloading-dreams

of mental-immortality in virtual-realms, free from ill-feelings, yet also, happily removed from the suffering of the materially-manifest realms ... perhaps ... thinking out-side of The boxes ...